Are we losing our chance to save Puget Sound

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Puget Sound Starts Here
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What is ECO Net?
ECO Net (Education, Communication and Outreach Network) is a Sound-wide network of professionals working to help save Puget Sound. It draws on the combined experience, skills and community-level knowledge of local organizations and individuals while linking to and benefiting from regional resources and a comprehensive vision for restoring Puget Sound. There are twelve local ECO Networks across the twelve counties of Puget Sound. Each Local ECO Net has a designated coordinator and meetings are held at least quarterly.

ECO Network Area Map

Events & Funding Opportunities

NEW! Events in your area

NEW! Awareness Evaluation Examples

Questions and Answers for the Targeted Awareness Grant Solicitation


March 31st and April 4th Targeted Awareness Grant Webinar Presentation

Targeted Awareness Grant Guidelines and Solicitation to member organizations within the 12 local ECO Networks around Puget Sound. Applications due April 29, 2011

ECO Net Connections

ECO Net Flickr Group (members-only photo database) | Join Flickr

Local ECO Networks to Connect with
12 Local ECO Networks have been formed and are meeting on a regular basis to collaborate and coordiante efforts to provide education, communication and outreach on environmental issues for their area. New members interested in getting involved are encouraged to contact the local
ECO Net coordinator.

Learn more

ECO Net Documents

ECO Net Puget Sound Starts Here Dissemination Grant Guidelines & Solicitation 2010 - 2011

In fiscal year 2010 the Partnership has provided two grant opportunities to the twelve Local ECO Networks in Puget Sound. The attached document is a very brief description of each grant and some of the projects and deliverable developed in response to it.

Puget Sound Education and Outreach
Survey Report

Partner newsletter and publications

ECO Net Statement of Purpose
This is a living document and will be updated as appropriate.  Please send any questions or comments to Kristen Cooley

Can I Join?
If you can answer “yes” to the following three questions, you should definitely join ECO Net!

  1. Do you belong to an organization that is involved with public education, communication or outreach of Puget Sound issues?

  2. Are you committed to working with others to save Puget Sound by improving and increasing the coordination, communication and effectiveness of education and outreach providers?

  3. Will you help to implement the Action Agenda to restore Puget Sound?

How Do I Join?
Contact your local ECO Net coordinator and ask to join My Puget Sound and your local ECO Net group!

What are the benefits?

  • Opportunities for partnering and leveraging efforts at local ECO Net meetings

  • Sharing across the region about what works and what doesn’t

  • Access to training, professional development and technical assistance

  • Use of online communication tools between members and to the public

  • Connection to a regional media and awareness campaign through Puget Sound Starts Here

  • Focused and strategic grant opportunities

  • Accountability system complete with regional indicators, performance measures and best available science to help clearly track success

  • First notice of grant and other funding
    opportunities from the Puget Sound Partnership.