RFC 130: “The Drowsy Chaperone,” C2J2 And More DEVO Hats!

May 10, 2011 by rudy panucci

Radio Free Charleston, episode 130, “The Who Shirt,” is online now. That’s it right up there…see?

This edition of the show features a song from The Charleston Light Opera Guild, a jazz tune from C2J2, animation from Frank Panucci, and a couple of surprises.

At the yard sale

Host segments were shot at The East End Yard Sale last Saturday. See, that way we could shoot the host segments and shop at the same time. We didn’t buy much, but we did facilitate the transfer of a vintage MAC SE computer from Mark Scarpelli to Mark Wolfe, and that alone was worth the trip. Read the rest of this entry »

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Monday Morning Art: Cathedral

May 9, 2011 by rudy panucci

Today’s art is a digital painting that came out looking just a tad churchy, so I called it “Cathedral.” Click it to see a bigger version, and have a more religious experience.

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Sunday Evening Video: Happy Mother’s Day

May 8, 2011 by rudy panucci

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Great Must-See Shows Opening This Weekend

May 6, 2011 by rudy panucci

The PopCulteer
May 6, 2011

There are four great shows in the area this weekend. Below you will find detailed reviews of two of them, plus graphics for two more. It’s a busy week, so let’s dive in…

presented by
The Contemporary Youth Arts Company
May 6,7, 12,13,14 at 8:00 PM
at The WVSU Capitol Center Theater

Dan Kehde has delivered another winner with “Airwaves.” This world premiere drama, written and directed by Kehde and presented by The Contemporary Youth Arts company is a stunning and timely work that will leave audiences intrigued and emotionally drained. Read the rest of this entry »

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Blue Million, Ryan Hardiman, HARRAH, “Airwaves,” Animation And More On RFC 129

May 2, 2011 by rudy panucci

Radio Free Charleston episode 129, “Adventure Wars Shirt” is in the books, and in this blog, right up there. See?And we’re still in Hi-Def!

This week we feature music by Blue Million, HARRAH and Ryan Hardiman. We also have a preview of the new CYAC show, “Airwaves.” There’s animation by Frank Panucci, too, but the less said about that, the better. This episode of the show includes some harsher language than usual, but it’s all tasteful and in context and we’re on the web so there’s really no way to get in trouble anyway.

Read the rest of this entry »

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Monday Morning Art: Winter Leftovers

May 2, 2011 by rudy panucci

Since we’re up late watching the news instead of making art, this week you’re getting leftovers.  To make up for just slogging into the pile of previously-rejected candidates for Monday Morning Art, we’re bringing you two of them.

Above you see a digital painting of snow-covered trees.  Below you see a digitally-assaulted photograph taken on my cell phone in Kanawha City, in the parking lot of Pizza Hut. The building in the background is Lowe’s.

Neither are particularly inspired, but you can still click on them to see bigger versions. Remember to check PopCult later tonight for episode 129 of Radio Free Charleston, with music by Harrah, Blue Million and Ryan Hardiman, and a promo clip for “Airwaves,” the play presented by CYAC that opens Thursday.

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Sunday Evening Video: Airwaves

May 1, 2011 by rudy panucci

Talented young filmmaker Austin Susman brings us a video preview of the new CYAC original drama, Dan Kehde’s “Airwaves,” which opens Thursday night at The WVSU Capitol Center Theater.  Tickets are ten bucks, six for students, and you’ll be treated to a tense night of political intrigue and rabble-rousing set in the world of talk radio.  Check out the clip above.  The show runs May 5 through 6, and may 12 through 14.

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A Weekend of Cool Happenings Follows a Week of Happy Distractions

April 29, 2011 by rudy panucci

The PopCulteer
April 29, 2011

Your PopCulteer is a little discombobulated this week, not due to the hoopla and hubbub over the President’s birth certificate or the Royal Wedding, but because of the arrival on Wednesday of Seth Everett Margolis, yet another member of my army of nephews bent on world domination. At right, you see Seth, hard at work doing newborn stuff. Baby and mama are doing well. And with that pleasant a distraction, we will jump directly into a listing of weekend events.

On Saturday, the Kanawha Valley Jamboree is the special event featuring Roger Simms’ Short of Cash that we plugged on Radio Free Charleston this week. This is the big event that we told you about on the show before we had any details to share. The music kicks off at 7:00 PM. Admission is $8.00 for adults, $3.00 for children, and the whole shebang takes place at 8902 MacCorkle Avenue in Marmet. Call (304) 545-2693 for more details and watch RFC 128 for a sneak peek at the band. Read the rest of this entry »

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VooDoo, Mojo and The Mystery Hole on RFC 128

April 26, 2011 by rudy panucci

Episode 128 of Radio Free Charleston, “Valhalla State Park Shirt” is online and hovering at the top of this post.

This week’s show features music from Prank Monkey, Jay Oakes and Paul Callicoat and Short of Cash. We also have more classic animation from Frank Panucci. Read the rest of this entry »

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Monday Morning Art: Scarab

April 25, 2011 by rudy panucci

This week’s art is “Scarab.”  It’s a digital painting.  I don’t really have much else to say about it.  You can see a bigger version by clicking on it.

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