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The Latest on Japan

As the situation in Japan continues to evolve, we want to keep you abreast of the latest information on the assistance and expertise we're providing to the Japanese response and recovery efforts.

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California Schools Sweep the 2011 National Science Bowl

The Winners Are In

The Mira Loma High School of Sacramento, California, and the Gale Ranch Middle School of San Ramon, California, beat out 1,800 sciences teams from across the country to become the 2011 National Science Bowl champions.

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A photo of ORNL Biophysicist Jeremy Smith

10 Questions for a Biophysicist: Jeremy Smith

At Oak Ridge National Laboratory, biophysicist Jeremy Smith has led a wide-ranging spectrum of projects focusing on everything from biofuels to drug discovery. Get the download on his many projects and learn how neutron scattering advances his work in the latest edition of 10 Questions.

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Secretary Steven Chu

Secretary Steven ChuFor the past two years, I've had the privilege of working with Lisa P. Jackson to help lay the foundation for a sustainable energy future. Today, I'm honored to introduce her as a member of this year's TIME 100. Find out why I think we need more leaders like Lisa...

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Supercomputers have done what was once thought impossible -- they've cracked the sixty-trillionth binary digit of pi-squared! And they did it based on a program crafted by Berkeley lab's David H. Bailey.

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How people are overcoming permitting and zoning barriers to bring solar to market

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