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Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer

Learning & Development

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Welcome to the homepage for the Office of Learning & Workforce Development.

If you are interested in a job opportunity, you need to go to DOE Jobs.

If your interest is in improving how you do your own job and planning a career, then we want this to be your learning and development positioning system.

You have to do the work. Your supervisor, your co-workers, your contacts in other parts of the Department, and our Training Consultants PDF in the Learning and Development Training Services Division PDF can provide advice and direction, but you have to take responsibility for your own development.

We are going to try to guide you to the best learning and development path for you, whether you are a new, entry-level employee, an expert professional, a supervisor or manager, or a senior executive.

Step 1 - Know about your Mandatory Training. Mandatory training can be DOE-wide like the Annual Ethics Training or Security Training or it can be program or site specific like the Forrestal building annual occupant safety refresher training. Mandatory Training lists DOE requirements. Program offices and local offices will have their own specific requirements.

Step 2 - An Individual Development Plan keys your success. We all need to set short and long term goals for ourselves and then match those goals with specific learning activities. Without a plan, you cannot reach your goals.

Step 3 - Training Requests will introduce you to the basic approval and authorization process necessary to participate in learning and development activities. Your supervisor has to approve your training and your manager has a role in authorizing the training. Training is a business improvement action different from, but similar to buying new software or conducting an in-depth program analysis. Learning and development combines mission impact and individual career development; learning and development is an investment in improving both the Department's performance and your performance.

Step 4 - Training Choices provides an overview of classroom and on-line learning available to DOE employees and Career Development and Mission Critical Programs combine training with experiential development for GS-7s up through Senior Executives and in different career fields. You have to do the work of matching your developmental objectives with the variety of resources available to you.

Step 5 - Talk to people, your supervisor, your co-workers, and your contacts in other offices and outside the Department. Your Training Consultant in the Learning and Development Training Services Division PDF will help you find the best available training and development activities to meet your needs and the learning and development objectives of your office, program, and supervisor. Training Consultants work with different offices directly and can be found at Training Consultants PDF and through Program Liaisons PDF. Make use of the Resources on this website; go through the Contacts and find out who can actually connect you to the learning experience you need.

Step 6 - Finally, your efforts need to be reinforced by your office's Training Management Your office's training plan can guide you to resources available and the critical competencies necessary for your current job and your career. At the office level, training plans combine work improvement objectives and training needs assessments to identify training objectives and budget resources to meet those objectives.

a woman standing at a whiteboard lecturing other people around a table

You and your office are part of a team working to improve mission performance and prepare for the future. Your office's business investment in you and your development make the Department a better and more effective place to work. Start your future now.

Page last updated: 01/26/2010