CBP Water Quality Database (1984-present)

Data Type: Measured and calculated physical and nutrient parameters
Geographic Extent: Chesapeake Bay and tidal tributaries
Date Range: 1984-present

Data is currently being collected under the following grants: CB98361804, CB98385303, CB98382503, CB97315902, CB97322001, CB97301002

The CBP Water Quality Database is rebuilt from 5:00 AM to 6:00 AM eastern standard time. Data downloaded between these times will be incomplete.

Alert: Latitude/longitude and UTM coordinates for water quality monitoring stations were corrected July 23, 2000, 10:00 am EDT. The error occurred during the conversion to NAD83 and involved almost every station. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Data Contact

Mike Mallonee - 1-800-YOUR-BAY ext. 785

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Last modified: 03/10/2011
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