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Information on Nutrient and Sediment Best Management Practices

Mid-Atlantic Water Program BMP Report

This report led by the University of Maryland Mid-Atlantic Water Program includes nutrient and sediment reduction effectiveness estimates of select agricultural, stormwater and forestry best management practices (BMPs).  With funding from the Chesapeake Bay Program Office, the Mid-Atlantic Water Program developed definitions and effectiveness estimates for BMPs that states were implementing or proposing to implement as part of their efforts to meet the nutrient and sediment reduction goals necessary to restore the Bay.  The report provides realistic, science-based estimates of expected nutrient and sediment reduction performance from these BMPs and reflects current research and knowledge as well as average operational conditions representative of the entire Chesapeake Bay Watershed.

Download the Full Report

Scenario Builder BMP Values

This table contains documentation for BMPs credited in Scenario Builder based on BMPs reported as used by the states. BMP reduction efficiencies for total nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment as well as the type of credit given in Scenario Builder for the BMPs are noted within.

Effectiveness Shapefile

This shapefile was used to create Maps of the Nitrogen and Phosphorus Effectiveness throughout the Watershed (10/2009). Any questions may be directed to Guido Yactayo at gyactayo@chesapeakebay.net.

Resources for Watershed Implementation Planning Process

Below one will find a brief description of resources, tools, and existing projects that can support the States and D.C. in the development of Watershed Implementation Plans.

Model Segmentation Viewer

The segmentation viewer allows partners to overlay Phase 5 Watershed Model Segments with layers including streets, satellite imagery, shaded relief, MS4 areas, 12-digit watersheds, and counties. This tool will allow local planners the ability to see and verify where specific segments are in relation to other boundaries and features, aiding in the decision-making process.

Phase 5.3 Watershed Model Scenario Submissions

States and the D.C. must use the following template when submitting Phase 5.3 Watershed Model scenario requests. Refer to the instructions for using this template. The template and instructions are subject to change as new BMPs are added and approved and future phases of Scenario Builder are developed, so please refer back to this site for the most recent documents. Please reference the example provided below:

Nutrient and Sediment Control Review Protocol

The following file describes the process a Best Management Practice must go through in order to be approved.

Chesapeake Bay Program Model Phase 5

Access Phase 5.3 Watershed Model pre-BMP landuse data for key years in the period 1985-2010 and post-BMP landuse data for key years during the calibration years 1985-2005. These data include the 2010 pre-BMP (2010 No-Action) landuse.  Phase 5.3 scenario input decks and outputs will be posted as they become available.

Access Phase 5.2 Watershed Model landuse and BMP implementation inputs and nutrient loading outputs for key  scenarios including 1985, 2002, 2008, 2010 Tributary Strategy, 2010 E3, and 2010 No-Action.

Relative Effectiveness Factors

Download spreadsheet for the relative effectiveness factors used in Phase 5.3.


For any questions, contact Victoria Kilbert (vkilbert@chesapeakebay.net).  

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Last modified: 05/26/2010
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