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Illinois continues to be a leader in high tech research. The list below offers information on some of Illinois' most prestigious research projects and institutions.


Information and Communications Technology

National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)



Univerisity of Illinois Biotechnology Center


The Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology - University of Illinois

University of Illinois Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory

Northwestern University Institute for Nanotechnology

Center for Nanoscale Chemical-Electrical-Mechanical Manufacturing Systems

The James Franck Institute - University of Chicago

Argonne National Laboratory

Fermi National Accelerator Lab - An Illinois based U.S. Department of Energy national laboratory for research exploring the fundamental nature of matter and energy.

Northwestern University/Evanston Research Park - The Park has three major research thrusts: materials and manufacturing technology, biotechnology, including pharmaceutical research and software development, particularly in the area of artificial intelligence, robotics, and Internet applications.

The Chicago Technology Park and Research Center - Provides attractive, affordable facilities in a research and technology environment.

Incubators / Research Parks

Illinois University Research Centers

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