• Moon Rise Time Today in India: Karva Chauth

    Simply, The Moon

    The moon rise time today in India is special because it is Karwa Chauth, which is when married women fast all day for the health and wellbeing of their husbands and can only break their fast after the moon rises. Karwa Chauth is a Hindi and Barelvi festival and women must go all day without... Read more

  • Chaos erupts at Detroit federal aid center

    Chaos erupts at Detroit federal aid center

    Detroit -- The Cobo Center erupted into a hectic scene of chaos today as thousands of Detroit citizens thronged in.  They were coming to apply for federal aid for rent and utility bills.  Some have remarked that his is a sign that the middle class is hurting, and that they feel... Read more

  • Is America Doomed-You Decide

    Bank Failures, An Endless War, Corporate lobbyists,extreme right wing ideologues in both parties, advocates of Assassinating the President of The United States, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, all given rise to popularity by extremely dumb and uninformed people, gun toters at Obama events, Cheering because we lose the Olympics and much more.. Now I will tell you something America. I... Read more

  • Pakistan's Options to Taliban: Jihad Or Jail

    Taliban Terrorists

    Pakistan is viewed by the Ally Forces fighting in Afghanistan under the leadership of USA, as an important ally in the war against terror with Taliban but the story is completely different on the other side of the border. Pakistan has been home to some of the "most wanted" criminals and... Read more

  • Saints linebacker Scott Fujita endorses National Equality March

    Saints linebacker Scott Fujita endorses National Equality March

    New Orleans Saints linebacker Scott Fujita endorses National Equality March to be held in Washington, DC, October 10-11. Fujita became aware of GLBT inequality when an attempt to restrict an adoption in Arkansas was in the news.  Fujita himself adopted, "...could not understand how people... Read more

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