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Moseley better qualified

5:57 PM Wed, Feb 17, 2010 |  
Letter to the Editor    E-mail  |  Suggest a blog topic

Re: "We Recommend -- Simmons in GOP bid for Supreme Court, Place 3," Monday Editorials.

The Dallas Morning News' recommendation of Rebecca Simmons may be well-meaning, but the reasons given ring hollow. The News cites as evidence of the writing skills needed Simmons' law review writings and "hundreds of opinions" at the appellate court, yet you overlook Dallas Court of Appeals Justice Jim Moseley, who has written more appellate positions (well over 1,000) and has more appellate judicial experience than all the other candidates combined.

He has a scholarly pedigree, including membership in the prestigious American Law Institute, and his numerous writing credits include a recurring column for lawyers and judges on improving writing skills.

As far as your reasons that she "would come to this bench with the mind-set a strong jurist needs," I read both Moseley's and Simmons' responses to the editorial board's questions, and I was more impressed by Moseley's firm adherence to a philosophy of judicial restraint. Unlike his opponents, Moseley has been an appellate judge since 1996.

As a practicing attorney and voter, I want our Supreme Court to be comprised of the best, most experienced judges who will refrain from "legislating from the bench." Moseley fits that description perfectly, and that's why he gets my vote.

John G. Browning, Rockwall

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