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UNT tuition on the line

4:25 PM Thu, Feb 18, 2010 |  
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Re: "Bataille's surprise exit forces UNT to pay big -- Deal gives president $723,000 for contract, option to work in Denton," Saturday news story.

University of North Texas President Gretchen Bataille resigns because she apparently can't get along with the administration, but receives $723,000 for the remainder of her contract and has the opportunity to collect $289,000 more in the 2010-11 school year for research and teaching.

No wonder UNT needs to raise tuition.

John G. Payne, Flower Mound


UNT has been raising tuition and cutting programs fairly consistently since 2003 when large cuts were made education funding.

A bureaucrat getting essentially fired brings me joy, I say hit the bricks yankee, they'll find some one else to keep raising UNT's Tuition. Why a bureaucrat get's the boot don't matter to me. There a necessary evil, but still evil. College is were ambitious, smart and now a day's slightly desperate people go. Any college admin taking a boot in the ass is good, cause college administration is about $$$$.

Tuition is going up all across the state because YOUR legislators continue to refuse to fund higher education at adequate levels. Don't blame Bataille.

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