Graduate Catalog

2008-09 Academic Year

Engineering Technology

Construction Engineering Technology – see Undergraduate Catalog

Electronics Engineering Technology – see Undergraduate Catalog

Engineering Technology – see Undergraduate Catalog

Engineering Systems, Master’s Courses, MSES

5010. Seminar in Engineering Systems. 3 hours. In-depth examination of current theories, research, trends and processes of industry. Readings, individual study and research, information exchange and guest lectures provide an understanding of selected industrial topics. May be repeated for credit.

5020. Design of Experiments. 3 hours. A study of industrial analytical techniques used to develop new products and new technologies, including the use of engineering software for design purposes.

5030. Product Design and Development. 3 hours. Formal development of the process of designing a product, including ideas generation, engineering development, modeling and analysis, and project planning and management.

5040. Analytical Methods for Engineering Systems. 3 hours. Procedures for confidently detecting variances from specification in manufactured products; applications of matrix manipulations for multivariate analysis, engineering applications of residues calculated from circular integrals, integration and differentiation of 3-dimensional engineering functions.

5060. Technology Innovation. 3 hours. Topics include understanding innovation, processes of technology innovation, techniques of technology innovation (TRIZ), planning for innovation, using innovation technology, and engineering technologies case analyses.

5100. Nontraditional Manufacturing Processes. 3 hours. Analysis of selected contemporary and emerging manufacturing/production processes utilizing high-level automation, productivity-enhancing technologies and/or specialty technologies; emphasis on process structure, organization, economics and application within the industrial environment.

5120. Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 3 hours. (2;2) Computerization in manufacturing/production from an integrated systems perspective; emphasis on selected contemporary and emerging applications such as design/documentation, engineering analysis, process planning, machine tool programming, automated material handling and inspection, and factory networking.

5130. Product Reliability and Quality. 3 hours. Processes and techniques of assuring the quality of industrial products; reliability and maintainability, sampling probability and statistical process control; quality control management.

5150. Applications of Electron Microscopy and Failure Analysis. 3 hours. (2;2) Scanning and transmission electron microscopy applications in failure analysis will be discussed along with ductile, brittle, fatigue and corrosion related failure mechanisms. Applications of fracture mechanics, elevated temperature failures of welded and cast components will be discussed.

5200. Advanced Construction Scheduling. 3 hours. Analysis and control of construction projects using advanced techniques for planning, scheduling and resources control. Subjects include various methods of project scheduling and monitoring, resource management, time-cost tradeoffs, organizing and managing schedule data, forecasting and trend analysis, and presentation of schedule information.

5220. Building Information Modeling. 3 hours. (2;3) Study of the concept and applications of the building information model (BIM) and electronic data interchange (EDI) between building software applications for architectural design, structural analysis, estimating, construction scheduling, project management and facility management. Topics expand beyond traditional 3D modeling to include state-of-the-art 5D modeling that incorporates the dimensions of cost and time into the BIM for a total building life cycle view.

5230. Risk Management in Construction. 3 hours. Review of the concepts of risk and uncertainty in the construction and their impact on management decisions in construction industry, and a study of the systems, tools and techniques used in construction project risk management. Subjects also include development of risk mitigation procedures, safety planning and execution, and the role of insurance and bonds in the industry.

5300. Embedded Controllers. 3 hours. (2;2) The study of the technical aspects of real-time software systems: software development methodologies, operating system and real-time kernel concepts.

5310. Industrial Process Controls. 3 hours. (2;2) Use of programmable controllers and microcomputers as controllers in industrial processes; topics include sensors and transducers, data acquisition, control devices and the nature of digital control.

5320. Introduction to Telecommunications. 3 hours. An introduction to the technology, standards, systems and practices of the telecommunications industry to include equipment, switched and dedicated communications lines, and voice and data communications.

5330. Instrumentation System Design. 3 hours. (2;2) The major objectives of this course are instrumentation design techniques, transducer selection, and interfacing control and measurement signals to the system. The use of graphical and structured programming techniques in the design of virtual instrument systems will constitute a significant portion of the course. Completion of a capstone project incorporating a summation of learning experiences from the entire curriculum is a requirement of the course. Must be taken the last term/semester offered prior to graduation. Prerequisite(s): completion of ELET required courses; course is to be taken within the last 12 hours of the degree plan.

5340. Digital Logic Design Techniques. 3 hours. (2;2) Study of the design, simulation and implementation of digital logic circuits including combinational and sequential logic, algorithmic state machines, hardware test techniques, software used in design, simulation and an introduction to the use of VHDL programming language. Oral and written documentation required.

5800-5810. Studies in Engineering Systems. 1–3 hours each. Organized classes specifically designed to accommodate the needs of students and the demands of program development that are not met by regular offerings. Short courses and workshops on specific topics, organized on a limited-offering basis, to be repeated only upon demand. May be repeated for credit.

5900-5910. Special Problems. 1–3 hours each. Open to graduate students capable of developing a problem independently.

5930. Research Problems in Lieu of Thesis. 3 hours. Independent, applied research that addresses significant problems in the field, emphasizing statistical methods and research design, supervised by a member of the engineering technology graduate faculty and approved by the department chair; for students who are doing a project in lieu of a thesis; no credit given until the problem is completed and approved. Prerequisite(s): approval of research proposal by major advisor and department chair.

5950. Master’s Thesis. 3 or 6 hours. To be scheduled only with consent of department. 6 hours credit required. No credit assigned until thesis has been completed and filed with the graduate dean. Continuous enrollment required once work on thesis has begun. May be repeated for credit.

Manufacturing Engineering Technology – see Undergraduate Catalog

Mechanical Engineering Technology – see Undergraduate Catalog

Nuclear Engineering Technology – see Undergraduate Catalog

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