Graduate Catalog

2008-09 Academic Year

Department of Educational Psychology

Main Office
Matthews Hall, 316
Mailing address:
1155 Union Circle #311335
Denton, TX 76203-5017

Web site:

Jon Young, Interim Chair

Graduate Faculty: Bullock, Callahan, Combes, Glover, Hayes, Henson, Huey, Hull, Jacobson, Martin, Mehta, Middlemiss, Nievar, Sayler, Tyler-Wood, Young.

The Department of Educational Psychology offers course work in research design and measurement; applied statistics program evaluation; the education of special populations and gifted learners; development and family studies; and school psychology.

Certification and degree programs in the department focus on such areas as non-traditional education, research and evaluation design, special education, gifted education, and human development and family studies.

Financial support may be available on a limited basis for research, teaching and internships. Funds vary depending on grants and other activities of the faculty in the department.


Faculty in the department have extensive research interests that include but are not limited to academic, social and behavioral assessment; designing effective instructional environments for exceptional learners; behavioral management systems for special populations, parent and professional communication and collaboration; establishment of partnerships to facilitate services for exceptional individuals; programs and procedures for gifted learners; identification of gifted and talented learners; academic acceleration; early entrance to school for college; social and emotional aspects of giftedness; cognitive development and information processing of traditional and special populations; statistical modeling; program evaluation; strategies for working with adult populations; and the study of developmental norms and family relationships.


Grants from the U.S. Department of Education, Texas Education Agency and other sources provide financial support to graduate students, depending on program needs. Tuition and stipend support is available for both full- and part-time students in the areas of emotional and behavior disorders, and transition and correctional special education.

For students in the autism intervention program, funds are available only for students who currently teach in rural areas and are not able to come to the Denton or Dallas campus for instruction on a regular basis, thus requiring online courses.

Center for Parent Education

The Center for Parent Education meets the needs of students, professionals and families through training, resources and research. Research and projects are carried out by faculty and students in the Department of Educational Psychology in collaboration with other university faculty who have an interest and expertise in parent education and family support.

UNT Institute for Behavioral and Learning Differences

The UNT Institute for Behavioral and Learning Differences (UNT-IBLD) was created in 1993 for the advancement of research and educational issues and techniques related to individuals with unique behavioral and learning characteristics. The UNT-IBLD vision includes not only those individuals who are not keeping pace with their peer group, but also those who are advanced beyond normal expectations. The goals of the UNT-IBLD include advancing the understanding of behavioral and learning differences; developing liaisons with public and private facilities; effecting in-service development of regular education faculty; focusing on transitional strategies for community, work and postsecondary education; developing technological innovations for enhancing educational and life opportunities; and serving as a resource for professionals, parents, schools, and community and state agencies.

Degree Programs

The department offers the following degrees at the master’s and doctoral level:

Specializations in special education include educational diagnostician, emotional and behavioral disorders, early childhood, generic, gifted and talented, and learning disabilities. Specializations in educational psychology include educational diagnostician, gifted and talented, and research and statistics.

The doctoral program in special education is offered as part of the Federation of North Texas Area Universities.

Depending on the degree attained, graduates of these programs normally seek employment in business and education as teachers, program administrators, supervisory personnel, assessment specialists, curriculum development specialists, research and evaluation specialists, and community college and university faculty members. Graduates may also be prepared to seek careers in parent education and/or family life, child life and life span development.

Applicants must meet requirements for admission to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies and meet all requirements of the College of Education. For admission to any of the programs in this department, the applicant should file an application portfolio with the program area in which the student is interested in entering and schedule an interview with a representative of the academic area. Contact the individual program or visit their web sites for details about the specific admission requirements for each program.

Development and Family Studies Degree Program

Master of Science

Admission Requirements

Application to the master’s program in development and family studies is a two-part process. First, the applicant must file an application for admission to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies. Second, the applicant must submit the following to the development and family studies office:

1. A completed DFS program application.

2. A letter of application.

3. A current resume.

4. Scores on the GRE or GMAT.

5. A statement of approximately 300–500 words concerning the purpose for undertaking graduate study at UNT, including professional plans or career goals as well as a discussion of research interests.

6. Three letters of recommendation from individuals familiar with the applicant’s academic and/or professional abilities. Applicants must submit at least one letter from a current or former professional employer (if such experience exists) and at least one from the last academic institution attended.

In addition to the listed criteria, the program may consider the applicant’s related work experience, publications, presentations to professional organizations, leadership roles, teaching excellence, awards, volunteer participation and other factors that might provide evidence of potential success in the master’s program.


Graduate course work in development and family studies may lead to one or more of the following credentials:

Degree Requirements

All MS students in development and family studies are required to complete the following.

1. Educational Psychology Master’s Core (9 hours):

2. Development and Family Studies Masters Core (12 hours):

3. Thesis or Non-thesis Option: Students may select either the 36-hour thesis option or the 40-hour non-thesis option.

Thesis option: In addition to the DFS master’s core and research requirement cited above, the student must successfully develop a thesis proposal, defend the proposal, and complete and defend the proposed research. Students selecting the 36-hour thesis option must also complete 6 hours of DFST 5950, Master’s Thesis. In consultation with the student’s advising committee (see below), the student must select 9 additional hours of course work, 6 of which may be taken outside the major field if the student desires and the advising committee approves.

Non-thesis option: In addition to the DFS master’s core and the research requirement cited above, in consultation with the advising committee (see below), students selecting the 40-hour non-thesis option must also complete 19 additional hours, 9 of which may be taken outside the major field if the student desires and the advising committee approves.

4. Comprehensive Exam: The comprehensive exam for the thesis student will be the thesis defense. Students are required to establish a three-member thesis committee consisting of the major advisor and two other UNT faculty members, one of whom must also be a member of the DFS faculty. All members of the committee must hold graduate faculty status at UNT.

The comprehensive exam for the non-thesis student is a term/semester-long endeavor consisting of a professional paper and oral presentation/defense of that paper. The exam reflects the student’s knowledge, application skills, cultural competence, and ability to be a producer and/or consumer of research within the field of study. Students must notify the major advisor of their intent to complete exams by midterm of the semester prior to graduation and must register for DFST 5920, Problems in Lieu of Thesis, under the major advisor. Students are required to meet with their exam committee to discuss the comprehensive exam question and gain approval for the topic and scope of their professional paper. Exams are given following a timeline established by the faculty; all students must meet a common deadline for completion of the professional paper and oral presentation/defense. The professional paper and oral presentation/defense are evaluated separately, and students are required to pass both in order to complete the comprehensive exam process. The comprehensive exam committee will consist of the student’s DFS major advisor and two additional members of the DFS faculty. All members of the committee must hold graduate faculty status at UNT.

Advising Committee

Each student will be assigned a three-member advising committee upon the receipt of all application materials to the program and Graduate School. Students are free to change the membership of their advising committee as they wish.

Educational Psychology Degree Program

Master of Science

Degree programs in educational psychology focus on physical, cognitive and social-emotional growth and change across the lifespan with regard to developmental norms; investigation of interpersonal relationships both inside and outside the many varieties of the family unit; application of knowledge regarding human development in the educational environment; research, measurement and statistics; assessment and evaluation of individuals in an educational environment; and the needs of special populations with regard to education, behavior, assessment and evaluation, and decision making.

Faculty in educational psychology work collaboratively toward high-quality intervention-based research that focuses on educational, developmental and social effectiveness outcomes. Four pillars provide focus, structure, fidelity and integrity to this central research theme: investigating the implementation and effectiveness of interventions; targeting exceptional and at-risk populations; applying rigorous scientifically-based research methods; and capitalizing on collaboration and collegiality to achieve synergy and maximum benefits from the collective experience and efforts of faculty and staff.

Admission Requirements

1. Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university. If a candidate already holds a master’s degree, the courses and the candidate’s performance in that degree are reviewed.

2. Bachelor’s grade point average (GPA) of 2.8 or higher overall, or bachelor’s GPA of 3.0 or higher for the last 60 hours, or completed master’s degree GPA of 3.4 or higher.

3. Submission of GRE scores is required: verbal, quantitative and analytical writing. The program views high GRE scores as positive indicators of potential success in the program; however, low GRE scores need not exclude a candidate who shows positive indicators in other areas.

4. At least two letters of recommendation from individuals who can give evidence of the candidate’s reading, critical thinking, writing and mathematical skills.

5. Resume or vita that includes the candidate’s previous work or educational experiences.

6. A personal statement from the candidate stating his or her goals and rationale for applying to the educational psychology program and a brief description of his or her career and research expectations with regard to work and further education.

Degree Requirements

The Master of Science with a major in educational psychology requires 36 hours of graduate course work. The MS degree requires completion of a thesis or completion of a project, the exact nature of which is to be determined by the student’s advisory committee and is the recommended degree option for students preparing to seek a doctorate in a compatible field.

1. Educational Psychology Core (9 hours)

2. Disciplinary Core (6 hours)

3. Content Area (15 hours)

Development and Family Studies: DFST 5113, 5153, 5163, 5333, plus 3 additional hours from DFST courses.

Gifted and Talented: EDSP 5105, 5110, 5120, 5130 and 5800.

Research and Statistics: EPSY 5100, 5220, 5240, 5250, and 5050 or 5350.

4. Thesis or negotiated project (6 hours)

Educational Research Degree Program

Doctor of Philosophy

Admission to the program is selective and restricted. Applicants are considered throughout the year; however, applicants are not formally admitted into the doctoral program until the fall term/semester and only if they meet the preceding February 1 deadline and other requirements as specified by the program. For information on additional requirements, please contact the department office.

Applicants must meet requirements for admission to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies.

Admission Requirements

1. Master’s degree from an accredited college or university or 30 hours of graduate credit from an accredited institution.

2. A grade point average (GPA) of 3.4 or higher overall on a 4.0 point system.

3. Submit GRE scores on the verbal and quantitative sections for the current academic year. The program views high GRE scores as positive indicators of potential success in the program; however, low GRE scores need not exclude a candidate who shows positive indicators in other areas.

4. Three letters of recommendation from individuals knowledgeable of the candidate’s capabilities, particularly as it regards research capacity.

5. Transcripts of course work.

6. Resume or curriculum vitae that includes the candidate’s previous work or educational experiences.

7. Sample of scholarly writing skills.

8. A personal statement from the candidate stating his or her goals and rationale for applying to the educational research program. Include a brief statement describing career and research expectations with regard to work and further education.

Degree Requirements

1. Educational Psychology Requirement (9 hours)

2. Major Requirements (39 hours)

Plus, 9 hours to fit student needs; hours may include:

3. Capstone/Proposal Preparation (3 hours)

4. Dissertation: (12 hours minimum)

5. Tool Requirement (6 hours)

Further Information

Additional information is available on the program web site (

School Psychology Degree Program

Master of Science

Admission Requirements

1. A bachelor’s degree and completion of 24 hours of course work in psychology with at least 12 of those hours being upper-division prior to application.

2. GRE scores: verbal and quantitative.

3. Undergraduate GPA: 2.8 overall or 3.0 on the last 60 hours.

4. 3.0 GPA in completed courses in psychology.

5. A personal resume and statement of goals describing interest in seeking the degree and may include student contributions to the program based on language fluency, life experiences, working with diverse populations, practice goals, as well as research interests.

6. Optional items:

a. Evidence of a completed master’s degree in another field.

b. First or second authorship on a peer reviewed scientific or professional journal.

c. Portfolio of work they believe relevant to enhancing their application status.

Degree Requirements

1. Psychological Foundations (18 hours)

Choose one:

2. Educational Foundations (6 hours)

3. Intervention and Problem Solving (18 hours)

4. Statistics and Research Methodology (6 hours)

5. Professional School Psychology (3 hours)

6. Practicum (12 hours)

Practicum is required each term/semester for a minimum of 125 clock hours.

7. Internship (6 hours)

Internship is required for the minimum 1,200 clock hours to meet NASP standards

8. Optional Thesis (6 hours)

Special Education Degree Programs

Master of Education

The Master of Education in special education may include certification in special education, gifted education and educational diagnostics. Students may choose a course of study that does not include certification, but has an emphasis in autism, behavior intervention, emotional/behavior disorders, traumatic brain injury or transition.

Recommended minors include, but are not limited to, applied behavior analysis, criminal justice, educational technology, reading education and rehabilitation studies. Students seeking certification should check the specific requirements for the minor area.

Admission Requirements

1. Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university. If a candidate already holds a master’s degree, the courses and the candidate’s performance in that degree are reviewed.

2. Bachelor’s grade point average (GPA) of 2.8 or higher overall, or bachelor’s GPA of 3.0 or higher in the last 60 hours, or completed master’s degree GPA of 3.4 or higher.

3. Submission of GRE scores is required. The special education program generally views strong GRE scores as a positive indicator of potential success in any robust graduate program; however, low GRE scores need not exclude a candidate who shows positive indicators in other areas.

4. The special education program requires at least two letters of recommendation from individuals who can give evidence of the candidate’s critical thinking ability as it relates to engaging successfully in graduate studies.

5. Resume or curriculum vitae that includes the candidate’s previous work and/or educational experiences, including teaching certifications and degrees held.

6. A personal statement from the candidate stating his or her goals and rationale for applying to the special education program and a brief description of his or her career and research expectations with regard to work and further education.

Degree Requirements

All students completing the master’s degree in special education are required to complete the following 9-hour departmental core: DFST 5123, EDSP 5710 and EPSY 5210.

Students seeking an alternative Texas teaching certificate with an endorsement in special education will need to complete the following: EDSP 5430 (6 hours), 5730, 5740 and 5750.

In addition, students will complete the following courses in their area of specialization:

Special Education: Autism Intervention: EDSP 5240, 5330, 5350, 5360, 5370, 5610, 5630, 5640; BEHV 5029, 5130.

Field experience courses may be waived or substituted depending on experience and professional goals. Three hours from the following courses must be completed: EDSP 5510, 5720, 5800.

Special Education: Certification EC–12: EDSP 5240, 5330, 6 hours of 5430, 5510, 5670 or 5210; 5710, 5720, 5730, 5740 and 5750.

Special Education: Educational Diagnostician: EDSP 5320, 5321, 5510, 5520, 5530, 5540, 5560, 5720; EPSY 5010, 5550; valid Texas teaching certificate in special education or a related area and two years of successful teaching experience at the time of application for certification.

Special Education: Emotional/Behavior Disorders: EDSP 5320, 5330, 5600, 5615, 5620, 5630, 5640, 5660, 5665, 5670, 5684; valid Texas special education teaching certificate earned through course work (or must pursue simultaneously).

Special Education: Gifted and Talented: EDSP 5105, 5110, 5120, 5130, 5510 and 5800 (when taught as “Advanced Seminar in Gifted and Talented”); 6 hours from EDSP 5240, 5330 and 5900; 6 hours of electives.

Special Education: Transition: EDSP 5320, 5330, 5600, 5615, 5620, 5630, 5640, 5650, 5660, 5665, 5670, 5684; valid Texas special educational teaching certificate earned through course work (or must pursue simultaneously).

Special Education: Traumatic Brain Injury: EDSP 5320, 5330, 5600, 5615, 5620, 5630, 5640, 5660, 5665, 5670, 5684, 5685; valid Texas teaching certificate earned through course work (or must pursue simultaneously).

Requirements for special education certificates are described in the College of Education section.

Doctor of Philosophy

Applicants must meet requirements for admission to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies. The general requirements for education are described in the College of Education section. The PhD in special education is offered as a cooperative program between the University of North Texas and Texas Woman’s University under guidelines established by the Federation of North Texas Area Universities. The program enables students to use the combined faculties, libraries, computer facilities and research opportunities available at both universities in the development of their doctoral studies.

The federation doctoral program provides opportunities for formal course work, independent study, internships, practicum and dissertation research. The program also includes federation-sponsored seminars featuring outstanding nationally and internationally recognized educators.

Given the importance of appropriate educational experiences during the early years for both the individual and the society at large, graduate programs are needed that provide education for future leaders in the conceptualization and provision of special education programs, as well as expertise in conducting research that will extend understanding of the importance and means of providing special education experiences. The purpose of the federated doctoral program in special education is to train professional educators to assume leadership roles in higher education and in public and private education settings. Graduates of both institutions have a broad base of information and are prepared to assume diverse roles, including teaching, research and administrative responsibilities.

Students initially apply for admission to the graduate school of one of the participating universities. After meeting the general university admission standards, each student’s application is then reviewed by the Special Education Federation Admissions Committee, made up of faculty from both UNT and TWU. Students graduating from the federation program will receive the degree from the university through which they entered the program.

Program Faculty

The doctoral program is staffed by faculty from both the University of North Texas and Texas Woman’s University. The following faculty members from each university participate in the program:

The policies of the doctoral program are guided by committees made up of faculty from both of the participating institutions. The policies are consistent with the policies of both participating universities.

Faculty Research Interests

Faculty of the two participating universities pursue a variety of research topics. The faculty in special education at UNT actively pursues a broad range of research interests. These include leadership personnel needs in special education, implications of school reform/refinement for delivery of services to students with special needs, implications of social policy on decision making for special populations, links between training and research in leadership preparation, applications of technology in special education (both for personnel preparation and student evaluation), gifted and talented education, and educational assessment/evaluation of students with special needs.

Other research topics are construction of assessment/evaluation instruments, teacher ratings of student behaviors, management/instructional systems for students with learning and/or behavioral problems, competencies needed by teachers of special populations, predictors of student success in school, cognitive development in children, parental involvement/cooperation relationships in student educational decision making, management strategies for students with aggressive and violent behaviors, educational decision making in juvenile correction facilities, ecological assessment, acceleration of gifted students and identification frameworks for students with special needs (including gifted/talented).

The UNT faculty also conducts research in evaluation of programs for students with special needs, creativity in children and youth, strategies for conducting applied research with special populations, learning/management strategies relevant to serving culturally and linguistically diverse children with special needs in both urban and rural areas, application and outcomes of various consultation models with teachers serving students with special needs, and prevention/interventions for at-risk populations.

Research interests of TWU faculty include adolescent aggression; adolescent suicide among the gifted; the development of personality type in children and the application of type concepts in education; identification/assessment of individuals with disabilities; intervention strategies for use with emotionally disturbed students; programs and facilities for mentally retarded and emotionally disturbed people; and definition of gifted, talented and creative.

Other research interests of the TWU faculty are attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults; the operational definition of psychological processing abilities in learning disabilities definitions; methods and materials for handicapped learners; learning disabilities in children, adolescents and adults; behavioral characteristics and educational intervention strategies for high-risk infants and young children; the effects of physical and/or health problems on academic, social and emotional development; and educational programming for individuals diagnosed with developmental disabilities, health problems and neurological impairments.

Admission Requirements

Admission to the doctoral program in special education takes into consideration several critical factors deemed important for success in graduate studies. No single factor determines an individual’s eligibility for admission.

Admission to the federation doctoral program in special education is a two-step process. Each applicant first must apply to and meet the general admission requirements of either the Graduate School at TWU or the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies at UNT. The student should apply to the school that best meets their individual research and career interests.

Applications for students who meet initial admission standards are forwarded to the Special Education Federation Admissions Committee for review. Initial acceptance into the federation doctoral program is contingent upon the successful holistic review of these materials:

1. Master’s degree from an accredited institution of higher learning. Applicants who do not have the appropriate academic and experiential backgrounds in special education are required to complete a minimum of 9–12 semester hours of course work in special education as a prerequisite to doctoral studies.

2. Master’s degree grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher (on a 4.0 scale).

3. Three years of successful teaching experience with the appropriate populations or related acceptable experience or special arrangements.

4. Submission of GRE scores: verbal, quantitative and analytical writing. The special education program generally views strong GRE scores as a positive indicator of potential success in any robust graduate program; however, low GRE scores need not exclude a candidate who shows positive indicators in other areas.

5. Submission of additional program-specific admission materials which include (a) a letter of intent to pursue doctoral studies; (b) a professional position statement of 1,000 words or less; (c) a professional resume that delineates the applicant’s previous work, educational experiences, membership and involvement in professional organizations, or scholarly activities; and (d) three letters of recommendation from persons who can attest to the applicant’s ability to do advanced graduate work. After an analysis of the aforementioned materials by the review committee, whenever possible, a personal interview is arranged.

6. A written doctoral admissions examination is required within the first 12 semester hours of course work.

7. Approval of the Special Education Federation Admissions Committee.

Students are required to have a master’s degree in special education or an appropriate related field to enter the program. Students not meeting this requirement or who are deficient in specific areas will be required to take additional courses. Students are not admitted to the doctoral program until the master’s degree and deficiency requirements are met.

A minimum of 60 hours beyond the master’s is required, plus satisfaction of the tool subject requirement. Based upon a review of the preparation of each entering student, additional deficiency courses may be required. The following specific degree requirements must be completed. A list of UNT and TWU early childhood education courses follows after the program description materials.

Degree Requirements

1. Educational Psychology PhD Core (9 hours)

2. Research Cognate (15 hours)

Select any two from the following:

3. Special Education Requirements (9–12 hours)

a. Each student must complete a 9–12 hour core chosen from the following courses. The courses are chosen based on the student’s specialization area.

In addition to the above 9–12 hour requirement, students must complete a sequence of specialization courses at their respective degree-granting institutions. In general, the following courses apply to each institution, but variations in requirements may occur based on the academic background and the terminal goals of the student.

Specialization Courses:


b. Each student must complete a minor area. The number of hours in the minor area is determined by the respective program areas.

c. Additional degree requirements may be imposed by the Special Education Federation Admissions Committee. All entering students at UNT may complete 9 semester hours of introductory research and statistics and 9 additional credit hours in either advanced research and statistics or computer education.

4. Dissertation (12 hours)

5. Tool Subject Requirements

The student must complete successfully the written and oral qualifying examination prepared by the Special Education Federation Qualifying Examination Committee, or be admitted by an alternative admission procedure approved by the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies.

The student must successfully develop a dissertation proposal, defend the proposal, and successfully complete and defend the proposed research. The research project should add substantive confirmation or understanding of the principles, theories and practices of special education. Both quantitative and qualitative research projects are acceptable.

Doctoral Committee

Each student’s program will be guided by a doctoral committee. While the committee will be composed primarily of faculty from the degree-granting institution, at least one committee member will be from the alternate participating school. The chair of the committee will be a faculty member from the university through which the student will receive the degree. The committee actively participates in (a) developing the student’s degree plan, (b) evaluating the written and oral qualifying exams and (c) evaluating the dissertation proposal and final defense.

Further Information

Additional information is available on the program web site (

Alternative Teacher Certification

See the College of Education section of this catalog for information about UNT’s Alternative Teacher Certification option in special education.

Courses of Instruction

All Courses of Instruction are located in one section at the back of this catalog.

Course and Subject Guide

The “Course and Subject Guide,” found in the Courses of Instruction section of this book, serves as a table of contents and provides quick access to subject areas and prefixes.

Graduate Admissions

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