Our Leadership


Scott B Ransom, DO, MBA, MPH
Professor in Obstetrics, Gynecology, Health Management and Policy

Chief of Staff
Office of the President

Vice Presidents

Kathleen Forbes, MD
Executive Vice President
Clinical Affairs and Business Development
President, UNT Health

Steve R Russell
Executive Vice President
Finance and Administration 

Thomas Yorio, PhD
Provost and
Executive Vice President
Academic Affairs

Greg Upp
Senior Vice President
Community Engagement

Robert C Adams, DO
Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, UNT Health

Glenn Dillon, PhD
Vice President

Renee Drabier, PhD, MBA
Vice President
Information Resources and Technology

Thomas Fairchild, PhD
Vice President
Strategy & Measurement

Gary Grant, JD
Vice President for Development
Institutional Advancement

John A Harman, MBA, CPA
Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
UNT Health 

Rand Horsman
Vice President
Human Resource Services

Daniel M Jensen
Vice President
Governmental Affairs

M Christine Kalish, MBA
Vice President and
Chief Transformation Officer
UNT Health

Thomas Moorman, EdD
Vice President
Student Affairs

Jean Tips
Vice President
Marketing and Communications

Associate Vice Presidents

Stephen D Barrett, MBA
Associate Vice President

Robert D McClain, PhD
Associate Vice President
Technology Transfer and Commercialization

Pam McFadden
Associate Vice President
Professional and Continuing Education

Michael B Mueller, MBA
Associate Vice President
Finance and Administration
Chief Budget Officer

Stephen R Oeffner, MSCIS, CPA
Associate Vice President
Finance and Administration




J Warren Anderson, EdD
School of Health Professions

Richard Kurz, PhD
School of Public Health

Don Peska, DO
Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Jamboor Vishwanatha, PhD
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

Associate & Assistant Deans

Elena M Bastida, PhD
Associate Dean for Research
School of Public Health

Joel Daboub, MBA
Assistant Dean of Admissions and Outreach
Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine and the School of Health Professions

Vice Dean
Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine
Assistant Dean
TCOM Admissions

Patricia Gwirtz, PhD
Assistant Dean
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

Robert Kaman, PhD, JD
Associate Dean and Director of Outreach
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

John Licciardone, DO, MS, MBA
Associate Dean of Clinical Research
Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Tina Machu, PhD
Assistant Dean of Pre-clinical Medical Education
Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Christine A Moranetz, PhD
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
School of Public Health

Frank Papa, DO, PhD
Assistant Dean
Curricular Design & Educational Technologies
Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Dennis P Shingleton, MS, MBA
Assistant Dean
Finance and Administration
Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Meharvan Singh, PhD
Assistant Dean
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

Elizabeth Trevino, DrPH
Assistant Dean for Curriculum
School of Public Health

Other Noted Positions

Clayton F Holmes, EdD, PT
Chair and Professor
Physical Therapy Program

Robert Kaman, PhD, JD
Acting Institutional Compliance Officer

William S LeMaistre, JD
Senior Associate General Counsel

Henry Lemke, MMS, PA-C
Director and Assistant Professor
Physician Assistant Studies Program

Laurel Slezak, CPA, CFE
Internal Audit 


University of North Texas System

Lee Jackson, MPA

Gretchen M Bataille, DA
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and President of the University of North Texas

Scott Ransom, DO, MBA, MPH
Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs and President of the UNT Health Science Center at Fort Worth

T J Jack Morton, JD
Senior Vice Chancellor for Governmental Relations

Andrew M Harris
Vice Chancellor for Finance

Richard L Escalante, MA
Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services

Nancy S Footer, JD
Vice Chancellor and General Counsel

Daniel M Jensen, MA
Associate Vice Chancellor for Governmental Affairs

Board of Regents
Regent Bios

C Dan Smith

Mike Bradford

Don A Buchholz

Charles D Mitchell, MD

Steve Mitchell

George Ryan

Gwyn Shea

Al Silva
San Antonio

Jack A Wall

Jennifer Ozan
Student Regent




This page last updated Oct 21, 2009

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