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Diseases & Conditions

Diseases & Conditions



Dengue, commonly called dengue fever, is a mosquito-borne viral infection (Flavivirus) causing fever, severe joint pain and, in some cases, hemorrhage, shock and death. Dengue is found in tropical and sub-tropical regions. It affects 50 million people on five continents, and infection rates are increasing dramatically. There is no known cure or vaccine for this disease.

Four distinct but closely related viruses cause dengue, making it difficult for researchers to develop an effective vaccine or treatment. Meanwhile, an estimated 500 000 cases require hospitalization each year. A large number of these are children.

Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), an advanced form of dengue, can kill 20 percent of the people it infects, making the disease a key public health concern.


Corporate Citizenship

Corporate Citizenship @ Novartis

Corporate citizenship at Novartis is an integral part of how we operate and a key to our success.

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