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Diseases & Conditions

Diseases & Conditions

Knowing more about different diseases and conditions will make it easier for you to ask your doctor important questions and to take a more active role in keeping you and your family healthy.

To help you learn more, we have listed links to pages with helpful information on different diseases and conditions.

Please note that some of the following links are intended for US residents only.

A-C   D-L   N-S   O-Z

Acromegaly ›

Alzheimer's Disease ›


Asthma ›

Breast Cancer ›


Cancer ›

Carcinoid Tumors ›

Chronic Myeloid

Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease

Dengue ›

Diabetes ›

Eczema ›

Epilepsy ›

Genital Herpes ›


High Cholesterol ›

Hormone Therapy ›

Hypercalcemia ›

Hypertension ›

Leprosy ›

Malaria ›

Nail Fungus Infection ›


Organ Transplant ›

Osteoarthritis ›

Osteoporosis ›

Overactive Bladder ›

Pain Management ›

Parkinson's Disease ›

Schizophrenia ›

Shingles ›

Tuberculosis ›


In 2008, our access-to-medicines programs, valued at USD 1.26 billion, reached 74 million patients.

Since 2000, more than 4.5 million people with lesprosy, have been treated through the use of multi-drug therapy (MDT) supplied by Novartis.

Focus on patients

Focus on patients

We are dedicated to creating value for patients.

Our products

We are a leader in offering medicines to protect health, cure disease and improve well-being.

Patient groups

Novartis and patient groups

Our commitment to high-quality healthcare has led to partnerships between Novartis and patient groups.