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House Fly


Flies are not just a nuisance, they're a major cause of disease, suffering and economic hardship around the world.

All told, they are known to be involved in the transmission of more than 65 diseases to humans alone, including typhoid fever, dysentery, cholera, leprosy and tuberculosis.

They are also responsible for significant reductions in the production of farmed meat and dairy products. It's estimated that flies are responsible for global livestock and poultry production losses measured in the billions of dollars. 

Modern methods of livestock and poultry farming often provide an ideal breeding environment for flies, making control a major challenge.

However, it's a challenge to which we at Novartis have committed the full wealth of our experience in the chemical, pharmaceutical and biological disciplines.

The result is the Anti-Fly Program. It's a program which combines our knowledge with a range of products to provide fly control solutions for almost any farm animal production system in use today.

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Anti-Fly Products
Agita, Spy, Oxyfly, Neporex, Larvadex
  Integrated fly control means using a two-pronged attack on flies: larvicides to prevent fly larvae developing into adults, and adulticides to kill adult flies.  
The Anti-Fly Program
Anti-Fly Program

Learn more about fly control using the Anti-Fly Program developed by Novartis.