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House Fly


AGITA 10 WG is in a granular formulation for paint-on application after dissolving in water.

AGITA 10 WG's concentrated formulation makes it suitable for use primarily in larger operations, such as: 

  • Poultry units (especially batteries for layers)
  • Pig fattening and pig breeding units
  • Dairy and calf units

AGITA contains thiamentoxam. This belongs to the neo-nicotinoid class of chemicals, which interfere with the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors at the postsynaptic membrane.

This mode of action is different from that of organophospates, carbamates and pyrethroids, or, it is thought, from even the first generation neo-nicotinoids. This makes it well-suited to controlling flies that have become resistant to other products.

AGITA is ideal for use as part of an integrated fly control program, alongside a larvicidal product.


Benefits of AGITA

Studies have shown that AGITA achieves nearly 100% fly mortality (strain WHO).


Month Mean % mortality after 24h
0 100
1 100
2 97
3 100
6 100


In the above study, hardboard panels (100cm2) were painted with AGITA 10 WG. They were stored under natural conditions in different farms (pig, cattle, poultry), and in the laboratory as reference for 6 months. At the indicated time points, samples were collected and efficacy tested. 1m3 tests were performed in the lab with 300 flies each. Mortality was counted after 24h.

Duration of activity
AGITA remains active against adult flies for a full six months.

Targeted and easy application
AGITA need only be applied where flies are seen. Its paint-on formulation makes it easy to apply.

Dust Free
AGITA's paint-on formulation creates no dust.


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Anti-Fly Products
Agita, Spy, Oxyfly, Neporex, Larvadex
  Integrated fly control means using a two-pronged attack on flies: larvicides to prevent fly larvae developing into adults, and adulticides to kill adult flies.  
Agita 10 WG Video
Agita 10 WG Video