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Being good stewards of the environment is everyone's responsibility and working together, we all can do our part.

What YOU Can Do

By practicing energy conservation, you can help the environment, especially during the peak electricity usage times of 3pm to 7pm.  During these peak times, electric companies have to run older generation units with fewer pollution controls to create the electricity to meet the higher demands.

Here are some ways to conserve electricity:

  • replace you heating and air-conditioning filters every 3 months and check them every month

  • install programmable thermostats to better regulate heating and cooling when no one is in the building and/or room

  • replace your incandescent light bulbs with florescent and/or LED light bulbs   Energy Efficiency Program

  • for more click here

What LP&L Is Doing

LP&L is increasing the amount of electricity we purchase for our customers from renewable generation sources like wind.  The electricity we purchase for our customers comes from the nation's largest provider of wind energy to retail customers.  Our current wind energy generation mix is at 6% and growing.

LP&L also understands that just purchasing electricity from renewable sources is a good start, but LP&L is doing more.  LP&L is creating a certified Environmental Management System that among other things identifies ways we are using energy internally at LP&L and identifies ways we can use less.  Also, LP&L has had its own internal environmental compliance/stewardship program since 1997. 



MY ACCOUNT (Statements)



Energy Efficiency Program
Energy Audits
Greatest Influence On Electric Bills
How To Read Your Water Meter
How To Read Your Electric Meter
Conservation Tips
Energy Efficiency Checklist
Conserve & Help

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Copyright © 2004 Lubbock Power & Light
1301 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79401 (806) 775-2509