Code of Ordinances

Residential & Business Emergency Update


Citizens Police Academy

Citizens Police Academy & Youth Police Academy

The Tomball Police Department began 2003 by inaugurating the Citizen’s Police and Youth Police Academy. This joint effort, combined with the cooperation and involvement with the community, resulted in two separate academies that achieved great success. The inception of both academies was the result of much determination and hard work by many of the officers and personnel of the Tomball Police Department. All academy graduates were provided with instruction, demonstration and hands on guidance in many of the following law enforcement activities:

  • Felony and “routine” patrol stops
  • Crime scene investigation
  • Building clearing
  • Simunitions and live fire house activities
  • F.A.T.S. (Fire Arms Training Simulator)
  • DWI scenarios
  • School related crime
  • Trauma in Law Enforcement
  • Dispatch function and Communications
  • Accident investigations

This inclusion of the community into what the Tomball Police Department Officer’s and personnel experience, on a daily basis, was a worth while and fulfilling opportunity, for both the Departmental personnel and the community. The response has been extremely positive, and the program for both the adults and the youth in the community has been rewarding.


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City of Tomball - 401 Market St., Tomball, TX 77375
Phone: 281-351-5484   Fax: 281-351-6256
Mon. – Thurs.: 7:45 AM to 5:00 PM - Friday: 7:45 AM to 4:00 PM

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