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The following form is to be filled out when a district or individual campus(es) – which have been closed because of H1N1 flu – are re-opening. Data from this form will be used to keep the public informed – via the TEA website H1N1 Known School Closings – about re-opening dates.

Please note that there are several “Required” fields that must be filled in before submitting the form. If you need to clear the form and start over, there is a “Reset” button at the bottom.

If you have any questions, please contact Mike Peebles at the Texas Education Agency: Mike.Peebles@tea.state.tx.us or 512-463-5917.

Your email address -

ISD Name -

If you are re-opening a campus or campuses, but not the entire district, specify the re-opening
campuses, re-opening dates, and their closure lengths here...


Re-open Date (mm/dd/yy)

# Days Closed











If you need to specify more campuses, complete and submit this form and begin another.

Are you re-opening your entire district? -

If the answer to the question above is "yes", answer the following two questions,
otherwise submit the form.

Date Re-opening if entire district is re-opening at once -

Total number of school days closed if entire district is re-opening at once -

Press "reset" to clear form data -