Boards & Commissions

Boards and commissions are an important component of Lubbock government. Members have an opportunity to affect public policy, to gain access to the highest levels of City government, and to develop networks. Members of boards and commissions are appointed by the City Council. Any citizen interested in serving on a board should request a Boards and Commissions Request for Service Form (application) from the City Secretary’s office, or one may apply directly on our
Boards & Commissions Application website. In addition to submitting a completed application, it would also be helpful to notify the Mayor, a Council member, or an Appointments Advisory Board Member of your interest.

The City Secretary Department oversees the board appointment process for the City of Lubbock, and is staff liaison to Appointments Advisory Board and to Permit & License Appeal Board.. The City of Lubbock has over 40 permanent boards and commissions. The boards are categorized as Advisory Boards and Commissions, Governmental, Non-Profit and Corporate Boards and Commissions. Advisory Boards function to assist the City Council through Board recommendations and special projects. Those advisory boards with Officer of City status have the authority to make binding decisions on behalf of the City. The City Council also appoints citizens to boards and commissions that are classified as Governmental, Non-Profit or Corporate Boards and Commissions which serve general and community interests. Some of these Boards and Commissions are created by state statute; others may be corporations.

The City Council encourages participation of qualified citizens and is committed to cultural diversity on all boards and commissions. Questions regarding board and commission service should be directed to the City Secretary’s office at
(806) 775-2026.

Boards & Commissions Application Process
  1. Citizens interested in serving on a City board or commission may pick up a Request for Service form at the City Secretary’s Office (1625 13th Street, Room 206), or call (806) 775-2026 to have a form mailed, or apply directly on our website.

  2. Completed Request for Service forms are entered into the board and commissions recruiting database.

  3. As the terms of the board and commission members expire, the Appointments Advisory Board searches the database for applicants who have indicated an interest in particular boards.

  4. If you have expressed an interest in a board or commission with a vacancy, the Appointments Advisory Board will locate your name in the database and deliver your Request for Service form to the City Council for consideration.

  5. The City Council will then make selections to specific boards and commissions.

  6. If you are selected, you will be notified to determine whether you wish to serve. If you agree to serve, your appointment will be confirmed at the next regular City Council meeting.

  7. Changes or corrections to the information in the database may be made at any time by filing a new Request for Service form with City Secretary's office.