Vision 21

Vision 21 logoVision 21 represents a multi-year, multi-phased program that will enable Vehicle Titles and Registration (VTR) to provide best-in-class service to our customers, quickly comply with Legislative mandates and support the safety of law enforcement and citizens through accurate and real-time data.

Texas vehicle registration, titling and plating services and the information systems that support them have evolved over the years, but are not keeping pace with the expectations of taxpayers and other customers. With Texas population growth resulting in the addition of over a million cars a year, high-tech advances and rising government demands make it clear it's time to map a new route for the 21st century.

Cutting-edge technology, combined with streamlined business processes, will increase the efficiency of our operations and their value to our customers.

Benefits of Vision 21

  • Implement recommendations made by Sunset Review in Summer 2008
  • One Stop Shopping with 24 hour, seven days a week availability for all customer transactions via the Internet including vehicle registrations, requests for titles and address changes
  • Elimination of redundant data collection and unnecessary forms
  • Consumer protection by providing information on previously owned vehicles
  • Simplified, standardized fees simplifying the entire registration process
  • Electronic titles stored by VTR, so no more paper titles to keep track of
  • Improved support of Homeland Security by providing law enforcement real-time access to vehicle data


This is just the beginning! Vision 21 received approval to proceed by the legislature and quality assurance testing in Summer 2009. In 2008, management committed to implementing substantive customer-facing improvements by January 2013. In 2009, HB 3097 identified VTR as one of several TxDOT divisions to become part of the new Department of Motor Vehicles. We are in the process of formulating an approach to Vision 21 that will allow us to transition effectively and make progress against our commitments.