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How to Use TDI Download Files (ending in .zip and .csv)

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A zipped file (.zip) is a normal file that has been compressed to a smaller size so that it takes less time to download. Download it just like any other file, then unzip it using any unzip program.

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How to View TDI Files (ending in .pdf, .doc and, .xls)

If Your File extension ends in:

  • .zip - use WinZip to open it.
  • .doc - use Microsoft Word or Wordpad to open it.
  • .rtf - use Microsoft Word or Wordpad to open it.
  • .xls - use Microsoft Excel to open it.
  • .csv - use Microsoft Access to open it.
  • .ppt - use Microsoft PowerPoint to open it.
  • .wpd - If your file ends in .wpd, use WordPerfect to open it or, in MS Word, use a WordPerfect converter to open the file.
  • .pdf - If your file ends in .pdf (portable document format), you will need to use Adobe's Acrobat® Reader to view and print this file.

Note: TDI does not provide consulting or training on how to the use the information downloaded.

  • Database programs include Microsoft Access, Paradox, dBase, FoxPro, MS Works or Approach. Use databases to work with or import larger files.
  • Spreadsheet programs include Lotus 1-2-3, Microsoft Excel or MS Works. Use spreadsheets to work with or import smaller files. Some agent listings may be too long for some older or less sophisticated spreadsheet programs.
  • Word processor programs include Microsoft Word, Word Pad, Word Perfect or MS Works.

Four Steps to Successfully Use TDI Download Files

1. Getting Ready to Download Files

Organizing your download files will help. You may wish to create a new folder (directory) called C:\Download for your use.

Using Windows Explorer: highlight your C: drive, and then select: "File", "New", and "Folder". Rename this new folder "Download".

2. Download a File

Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE), Netscape Communicator, Opera, and other browsers work in similar ways. After you click the filename you want to download, a small window will open and ask you, "What would you like to do with this file?" or something similar. Select "Save it to disk" or the "Save" choice, and then click OK.

When the familiar "Save As" window appears, use it to navigate to your newly created C:\download folder and select "Save."

Watch and wait until the file has finished downloading.

3. Decompress or unzip the .zip file

The compressed, .zip, files that you download must be decompressed. If you have WinZIP or pkzip, here are a few examples of what may happen when you double-click on an .zip file that you have downloaded.

  • An installation routine may begin immediately. In this case, all you need do is follow the instructions that are presented to you.
  • A small window may appear that explains that the file will extract to a particular folder. You may wish to change the folder, or at least make a note of where the files are being placed. Use Windows Explorer to navigate to the folder where the files have been placed. Once there, you can look for the file, double-click on it and it should open in the appropriate software. If you do not have the appropriate spreadsheet or database software, you may not be able to view or use the file(s).

4. Open the file in the software you want to use to review the data.

If you're using a spreadsheet program like MS Excel or a word processor program, select "File" then "Open". An open box will appear. Under "search for files that match this criteria" change the "Files of Type" drop down box to show " *.* All Files". Look for your filename, highlight and open it.

At this point, your program should allow you to save, sort, analyze and search the data.

If you're using a database program like MS Access, double click on the .csv file.

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Frequently Asked Questions


For questions about agents' license data, please contact TDI's agents' license section at . Please include your phone number when sending an e-mail.


Why does #### appear in a column?

You need to widen the column so all the data will appear.

How can I find the downloaded file I need to open?

From your spreadsheet or database program do "File" then "Open". Set the File Type drop down box to All Files (*.*).

For more information contact:

Last updated: 09/16/2009

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