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Water is a finite resource that requires careful and proactive management: the era of plentiful and inexpensive water is ending. Water conservation, sound management strategies, and adequate investment in a range of solutions are essential to meet the water demands of Texas' growing population, while protecting our natural resources.

Based on current population projections, in the 2007 State Water Plan, if a drought were to occur in 2060, at least some of the water demand for about 85% of the municipal demand would not be satisfied by current water sources. The 2007 State Water Plan is a long-term plan to meet state water demands even during drought conditions by demand reduction through conservation and reuse and by water supply acquisition. Since most conventional fresh-water supplies in Texas are already developed, water conservation is a very critical element to meeting the State's long-term water needs.

With the projected population expected to more than double by 2060, municipal water demand is expected in increase significantly, almost equaling agricultural water demand by 2060. The Board's water conservation staff takes pride in providing services to help cities, utilities and districts establish effective water wise conservation programs. We loan out and provide training for leak detection and meter testing equipment, and assist with water audits. We provide water conservation brochures and educational materials for schools for free or minimal cost to utilities and government entities.

Agriculture currently accounts for more than half of the state water demand. In conjunction with the USDA-NRCS, State Soil and Water Conservation Board, local soil and water conservation districts, local groundwater conservation districts, and irrigation districts, we promote agricultural water conservation. We assist by providing grants to political subdivisions to implement conservation programs, and by utilizing either local districts or local lending institutions to provide loans for individual farmers to install more efficient irrigation equipment. We provide irrigation water use estimates by county or regional planning groups. We also provide agricultural water conservation educational activities to agricultural trade shows and other events related to agriculture.

Agricultural Water Conservation
Alternative Technologies (Rainwater Harvesting, Desalination, Recycling and Reuse)
Municipal Water Conservation
Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional (ICI) Water Conservation
Conservation Education and Public Awareness Literature
Drought Monitoring and Response
Conservation Staff
Conservation Links
Water Conservation Advisory Council
Water IQ Public Awareness Campaign

Conservation related reports:

An Assessment of Water Conservation in Texas
Know your Water Coloring Book (August 2005)

The Texas Manual on Rainwater Harvesting (August 2005)

Water Loss Audit Manual for Texas Utilities (March 2008)

Water Conservation Implementation Task Force Report (November 2004)

Best Management Practices Guide (November 2004)

Quantifying the Effectiveness of Water Conservation Techniques in Texas (March 2002)

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