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Mental Health General Information

The following general information is designed to help you learn more about mental illness and the Texas Department of State Health Services.

  • Formal Departmental Rules for Mental Health
    To learn about the formal rules for mental health at the Texas Department of State Health Services, you can review Title 25, Part 1 of the Texas Administrative Code via the Texas Secretary of State's website.

  • Taking Care of Your Mental Health
    Unlike the short-term difficulties people may experience occasionally in life, severe and persistent mental illnesses are diseases of the brain that have psychological, biological and sometimes situational causes.

  • Coping With A Disaster
    This helpful brochure can be used to help you or your community understand the common reactions following disasters such as floods, hurricanes, tornadoes etc., and what you can do to cope with these reactions and feelings. To learn more about the DSHS Disaster Assistance and Crisis Response Program, please visit their website at http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/comprep/dmh/default.shtm or call (512) 458-7111 ext. 6936.

  • Resiliency & Disease Management for Mental Health Services
    The Resiliency & Disease Management for Mental Health Services Project is an initiative for both adults and children that seeks to increase consistency in community mental health services and maximize available dollars by applying evidence based practices, developing utilization management tools, and analyzing extensive consumer and financial data.

This page was last modified December 19, 2007

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