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Volunteers at State Hospital Facilities

Each facility has volunteers, including an office whose staff has oversight of the volunteer program.

Volunteer activities include:

  • adopting a unit,
  • clerical assistance,
  • holiday celebrations and multicultural activities,
  • landscaping,
  • art, music, and pet therapies,
  • processing donated clothing and other items, and
  • providing entertainment or recreational activities
The type and amount of activities varies at each facility.

Each facility also has a separate non-profit organization, the Volunteer Services Council (VSC), which provides support for volunteer activities. Fundraising activities and donations through the VSC enables the volunteers to sponsor patient and volunteer activities and to provide items, which the state cannot purchase.

If you would like to volunteer at a state hospital facility, please visit the website for the facility you are interested in volunteering with:

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This page was last modified June 10, 2008

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