Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs - Building Homes and Strengthening Communities

Housing Trust Fund


Programs Overview

The Housing Trust Fund consists of both single family and multifamily programs administered by the HTF Division, but also provides funds for programs and activities administered by other TDHCA Divisions, including Disaster Recovery Gap Financing Assistance and Bootstrap Self-Help Housing.

The Housing Trust Fund provide loans, grants, or other comparable forms of assistance to local units of government, public housing authorities, for profit entities, nonprofit organizations, income-eligible individuals, families, and households to finance, acquire, rehabilitate, and develop decent, safe, and sanitary affordable housing. Up to10% of all HTF funds may be set aside and allocated to nonprofit organizations and CHDOS for capacity building and technical assistance. These entities must be engaged in developing affordable housing for low and very income persons or families.

The Department supports projects that target very low income, rural and special needs populations. Applicants must demonstrate how the project funds will address an identified affordable housing need in their area. Applicants must provide evidence of financial feasibility and the ability to complete the project successfully. No matching funds are required but leveraging is encouraged.

Review the HTF funding sources and background page. For more information regarding the Housing Trust Fund, email the HTF Division at HTF@tdhca.state.tx.us.