Court Reporters Certification Board | Policy on Reasonable Disclosure

Policy on Reasonable Disclosure

Court Reporters Certification Board

(Effective: May 14, 2005) (Adopted April 19, 1997; Revised July 11, 1998)

Whereas, the Standards and Rules for Certification of Certified Shorthand Reporters as promulgated by the Supreme Court of Texas defines "unprofessional conduct" under Rule IV (B) (4) as failing to disclose as soon as practical to the parties or their attorneys existing or past financial, business, professional, family, or social relationships, including contracts for court reporting services, which might create an appearance of partiality.

The Court Reporters Certification Board has hereby declared that "reasonable disclosure" relating to Rule IV (B) (4) of the Standards and Rules for Certification of Certified Shorthand Reporters would be within five days of when the deposition or other reporting assignment is booked but no later than three days before such deposition or other reporting assignment is held. If such engagement is made less than three says before such deposition or other reporting assignment, the disclosure should be made immediately.

Disclosure is required for each deposition or other reporting assignment unless the attorneys stipulate in writing that a single disclosure by the court reporter and/or court reporting firm is sufficient for the referenced case. Said stipulation shall be attached to each deposition taken by the court reporter in the referenced case.

The Board strongly recommends that each court reporter and court reporting firm, if applicable, routinely use a "Court Reporter Disclosure Statement" and attach the disclosure statement to the deposition transcript after verification of service.

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Updated: 22-Dec-2006