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Texas Coastal Management Program

The Coastal Coordination Council (Council) administers the Coastal Management Program (CMP). The Commissioner of the General Land Office chairs the Council. The other members of the Council are the chair of the Parks and Wildlife Commission or a member of the commission designated by the chair; the chair of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality or a member of the commission designated by the chair; a member of the Railroad Commission of Texas appointed by that commission; the chair of the Texas Water Development Board or a member of the board designated by the chair; the chair of the Texas Transportation Commission or a member of the commission designated by the chair; a member of the State Soil and Water Conservation Board appointed by that board; the director of the Texas A&M University Sea Grant Program serving as a non-voting member; and four gubernatorial appointees. The appointees are a local elected official who resides in the coastal area, an owner of a business located in the coastal area who resides in the coastal area, a resident from the coastal area, and a representative of agriculture.

Meeting Agendas and Packets

[archive of previous meetings]

Coastal Coordination Council
meetings are now webcast live, as
well as archived for later viewing.
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Coastal Coordination Council
Executive Committee

January 22, 2009
Thursday, 1:30 p.m.
Executive Committee

March 5, 2009
Thursday, 1:30 p.m.

Coastal Coordination Council

May 7, 2009
Thursday, 1:30 p.m.

Executive Committee
June 25, 2009
Thursday, 12:00 p.m.
Coastal Coordination Council


Member Lists

The Council is charged with adopting uniform goals and policies to guide decision-making by all entities regulating or managing natural resource use within the Texas coastal area. The Council reviews significant actions taken or authorized by state agencies and subdivisions that may adversely affect coastal natural resources to determine their consistency with the CMP goals and policies. In addition, the Council oversees the CMP Grants Program and the coastal Permit Service Center.

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For more information, please contact the Coastal Coordination Council at 1-800-998-4GLO or (512) 463-9212.

Last updated on 31 August 2009.

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