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Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM)
Racial and Ethnic Minorities
Safe in the City Video Intervention

Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM)

  • Health Disparities in HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and Tuberculosis in the United States
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    Dr. Kevin Fenton discusses the November 2007 Health Disparities Report entitled "HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and Tuberculosis in the United States: Issues, Burden, and Response."
  • HIV Prevention among Men Who Have Sex with Men: Cross-cutting Challenges and Multiple Health

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    Mary McFarlane, Mary Ann Chiasson (and associates), Cathy Reback, and Ron Stall discuss cross-cutting challenges such as use of methamphetamine and other substances, the Internet's effect on risk behavior and its potential for HIV prevention, and multiple threats faced by MSM.
  • HIV Prevention among Men Who Have Sex with Men: Health Department Response; Behavioral Interventions
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    Bob Wood, Matt Golden and Erick Seelbach discuss how the local health department and community in Seattle-King County responded to local data on STDs and HIV among MSM; Rob Janssen briefly summarizes the five evidence-based behavioral interventions that CDC currently offers for HIV prevention among MSM; and viewers hear from community organizations and researcher Susan Kegeles regarding specific interventions.
  • HIV Prevention among Men Who Have Sex with Men: HIV Testing: CDC Activities; Social Networks; Behavioral Intervention Training and Technical Assistance
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    Moderator Rob Janssen discusses the importance of HIV testing and CDC activities related to HIV prevention among MSM including the social networks demonstration project. And a community organization discusses their work with MSM and how they routinely offer HIV testing at a community festival each summer. Charles Collins discusses how organizations can obtain training and technical assistance to conduct CDC's behavioral interventions for HIV prevention.
  • HIV Prevention among Men Who Have Sex with Men: Impact of HIV among MSM
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    Preview of some key issues, objectives for the broadcast, overview of data related to HIV/AIDS among MSM.
  • HIV Prevention among Men Who Have Sex with Men: Panel Discussion of Viewer Questions
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    Moderator Rob Janssen and panelists Susan Kegeles, Alberto Santana, John Peterson, and Dwayne Jenkins respond to viewer questions received on May 17, 2007; then moderator Rob Janssen summarizes enhancements to CDC information online and mentions upcoming events such as World AIDS Day, National HIV/AIDS Testing Day, the National HIV Prevention Conference and the Nov 15, 2007 satellite broadcast/web cast "Current Challenges and Successes in HIV Prevention with Hispanics."
  • HIV Prevention among Men Who Have Sex with Men: Risk Issues among African American, Latino and Young Men
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    Greg Millett discusses HIV risk among black MSM, Rafael Diaz and George Ayala discuss Latino MSM, and a community organization in Atlanta shares lessons learned in HIV prevention for young MSM.
  • MMWR Article Provides Additional Detail About HIV Incidence in the United States
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    This podcast explores a more in-depth look at HIV incidence in specific U.S. populations, with detailed breakdowns of new HIV infections by race, gender, route of transmission, and age.
  • Prevention among Men Who Have Sex with Men: HIV Risk Factors among MSM
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    Patrick Sullivan, Duncan Mackeller and Beryl Koblin discuss rates of HIV among MSM and how the profile of the epidemic has changed over time, as well as major predictors of HIV infection and the impact of not knowing one's HIV status. Greg Millett discusses HIV risk among black MSM, Rafael Diaz and George Ayala discuss Latino MSM, and a community organization in Atlanta shares lessons learned in HIV prevention for young MSM.

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Racial and Ethnic Minorities

  • MMWR Article Provides Additional Detail About HIV Incidence in the United States
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    This podcast explores a more in-depth look at HIV incidence in specific U.S. populations, with detailed breakdowns of new HIV infections by race, gender, route of transmission, and age.
  • National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
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  • National Latino AIDS Awareness Day
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    Dr. Ken Domínguez discusses the significance of this awareness day and why HIV continues to pose a major threat to the health and well-being of Latinos in the United States.
  • Health Disparities in HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and Tuberculosis in the United States
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    Dr. Kevin Fenton discusses the November 2007 Health Disparities Report entitled "HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and Tuberculosis in the United States: Issues, Burden, and Response."

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Safe in the City Video Intervention

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  • It Helps to Know
    About one fourth of the one million U.S. residents currently living with HIV are unaware of their HIV infection. A recently published study which looked at routinely offering rapid HIV testing to persons seeking care in hospital emergency departments concluded that all health care facilities (i.e., emergency departments, primary care clinics, community clinics, hospitals in-patient facilities, and urgent care clinics) should offer HIV testing services to patients.

    A Cup of Health with CDC
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    A Minute of Health with CDC
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  • National HIV Testing Day
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    A Message from HHS Secretary and D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty
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    Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and District of Columbia Mayor Adrian Fenty released a message regarding the importance of HIV Testing Day.
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    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) hosts a webinar to encourage Internet bloggers who write on health issues and HIV/AIDS to promote June 27th, National HIV Testing Day (NHTD), and HIV testing.
  • Rapid HIV Testing
    World AIDS Day acknowledges its 20th anniversary this year, as the worldwide event strives to increase awareness and education about HIV and AIDS. In this broadcast, Kevin Fenton, who directs HIV/AIDS activities for CDC, discusses the implications and benefits of rapid HIV testing in community settings.

    A Cup of Health with CDC
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    A Minute of Health with CDC
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  • Revised Recommendations for HIV Testing of Adults, Adolescents, and Pregnant Women in Health-Care Settings
    The objectives of these recommendations are to increase HIV screening of patients, including pregnant women, in health-care settings; foster earlier detection of HIV infection; identify and counsel persons with unrecognized HIV infection and link them to clinical and prevention services; and further reduce perinatal transmission of HIV in the United States.

    A Cup of Health with CDC
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    A Minute of Health with CDC
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  • MMWR Article Provides Additional Detail About HIV Incidence in the United States
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    This podcast explores a more in-depth look at HIV incidence in specific U.S. populations, with detailed breakdowns of new HIV infections by race, gender, route of transmission, and age.
  • National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
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    This podcast provides information on the impact of HIV and AIDS on women and girls and the importance of getting tested for HIV.

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Last Modified: June 30, 2009
Last Reviewed: June 30, 2009
Content Source:
Divisions of HIV/AIDS Prevention
National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention
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