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You are here: Home Albuquerque Progress Report Goal 3 - Public Infrastructure 22 - Viable street system 22.1 Street Condition Ratings 1999 and 2007
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22.1 Street Condition Ratings 1999 and 2007

Goal 3 | DCC 22 | Indicator 22.1

This indicator is part of Viable street system.

Indicator description:

This indicator uses the Surface Defect Index (SDI) to evaluate the condition of Albuquerque highways, streets, and roads, including major and minor arterial highways, collector streets and residential roads. Defects refer to any opening, hole, depression, washout, or breakup on the road surface that result from natural causes (i.e., ordinary wear and tear, erosion and attrition due to weather, etc.). In 1999 and 2007 consultants, employed by the City, used the SDI to assess the condition of City roadways. This inventory categorized the roadways as excellent – good riding surface with no noticeable wear or obvious defects; good –good ride quality with minor wear or defects; fair – acceptable ride quality that is beginning to deteriorate; poor – moderating rough ride with pavement failures; and, very poor – very rough riding surface with large areas in bad condition. No comparative data exist for the other index communities.

Indicator 22_1

Why is this indicator relevant?

The City maintains over 4,470 miles of roadway, up from 4,382 in FY/05. The condition of these roads affects the safety of travel on them, the efficiency of commerce that occurs over them, and the condition of vehicles traveling on them. They also represent a very valuable public asset and a long term investment by many generations of Albuquerqueans. It is the responsibility of the community, the City, and the other governmental owners of these roads to maintain and optimize these public assets.

Data Source:
City of Albuquerque Department of Municipal Development, 2008.

What can we tell from the data?

  • The condition of Albuquerque roadways has improved dramatically since 1999. Over 75% of roadway miles are now in excellent or good condition, up from approximately 33% in 1999. This is due primarily to the use of a quarter cent transportation gross receipts tax initiated by Albuquerque voters on January 1, 2000 and expiring in 2010.
  • Less than 15% of the roadways are categorized as poor or very poor, compared to over 30% in 1999.
  • Total roadway miles have increased by 8% since FY/00.


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