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Centers for Independent Living Recovery Plan
Last updated: 2009-05-15

Table of Contents

Click on each of the links below to read the part of the Plan relating to each topic.


Program Purpose
Through the Centers for Independent Living (CIL) program, the ARRA provides additional support to centers for independent living to improve and expand independent living services to individuals with significant disabilities, especially in unserved and underserved geographic areas, to maximize their leadership, empowerment, independence, and productivity, and to promote the integration and full inclusion of individuals with disabilities into the mainstream of American society.

Public Benefits
Expected public benefits from the ARRA funds invested in the CIL program include:

(1) improved and expanded provision of independent living services to individuals with significant disabilities;

(2) increased number of consumers served, especially from populations that are unserved or underserved;

(3) enhanced capacity of CIL grantees to meet the independent living needs of individuals with disabilities;

(4) increased numbers of individuals with significant disabilities who are able to live in integrated community settings, as a result of independent living services provided with ARRA funds;

(5) more students with disabilities who are able to transition easily from secondary education to postsecondary education, employment, and independent living, as a result of independent living services; and

(6) increased employment opportunities and economic benefits for individuals with significant disabilities consistent with the goals and objectives established by these consumers.

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The measures have been revised to enrich the performance metrics for Recovery targets. In some instances, targets will not be available until additional baseline data has been collected.

2009 2010 2011 2012
As a result of direct services provided by a Center for Independent Living (including referral to another service provider), the percentage of CIL consumers who report having access to previously unavailable transportation resulting in increased independence. Frequency : Long-term/Annual
Direction : Increasing
Type : Output
Explanation : Not Available
Unit : percentage
As a result of direct services provided by a Center for Independent Living (including referral to another service provider), the percentage of CIL consumers who report having access to previously unavailable appropriate health care services resulting in increased independence.Frequency : Long-term
Direction : Increasing
Type : Outcome
Explanation : Not Available
Unit : percentage
As a result of direct services provided by a Center for Independent Living (including referral to another service provider), the percentage of CIL consumers who report having access to previously unavailable assistive technology resulting in increased independence.
Frequency : Long-term
Direction : Increasing
Type : Outcome
Explanation : Not Available
Unit : percentage
Number of first-time IL consumers served by CIL grantees using ARRA funds.Frequency : Annual
Direction : Increasing
Type : Output
Explanation : Not Available
Unit : Number
Percentage of CIL grantees using ARRA funds to design or implement models for providing independent living services to individuals who wish to transition successfully from nursing homes to living in community-integrated housing.Frequency : Annual
Direction : Increasing
Type : Output
Explanation : Not Available
Unit : Percentage
Percentage of CIL grantees using ARRA funds to design or implement models for providing independent living services to enable students with disabilities to transition successfully from school to postsecondary education, employment, and independent living.Frequency : Annual
Direction : Increasing
Type : Output
Explanation : Not Available
Unit : Percentage
Percentage of CIL grantees using ARRA funds to enhance their capacity by improving the technological core of the CIL through the purchase of better information technology equipment, enhanced electronic network connections, and/or case management software.Frequency : Annual
Direction : Increasing
Type : Output
Explanation : Not Available
Unit : Percentage
Percentage of CIL grantees using ARRA funds to enhance their capacity by providing additional training and professional development for CIL staff.Frequency : Annual
Direction : Increasing
Type : Output
Explanation : Not Available
Unit : Percentage

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Schedule and Milestones

1) The Department will hold teleconferences with the Designated State Unit (DSU) and State Independent Living Council (SILC) to discuss distribution of additional funds available under the ARRA for the CIL program.
2) If States need to make significant changes to their State Plans for Independent Living (SPIL) to reflect how the additional funds under the ARRA will be used, they will be required to submit SPIL amendments that comply with all Department regulations. These include the joint development of the SPIL by the DSU and SILC and public hearing requirements. Although ARRA CIL program funds cannot be released until any necessary SPIL amendment is made, the Department will conduct a timely review of any SPIL amendments.
3) If new centers for independent living will be established using ARRA funds, the Department will issue a notice inviting applications for a competition for discretionary grants and award new grants. Once the determination has been made about whether or not new centers should be established, existing centers may be able to receive supplemental funding to expand their provision of independent living services to individuals with significant disabilities residing in unserved or underserved geographic areas within the center's existing service area.

MilestoneCompletion Date
The Department will hold teleconferences with the Designated State Unit (DSU) and State Independent Living Council (SILC) to discuss distribution of additional funds available under the ARRA for the CIL program.2009-06-30
If States need to make significant changes to their State Plans for Independent Living (SPIL) to reflect how the additional funds under the ARRA will be used, they will be required to submit SPIL amendments that comply with all Department regulations. These include the joint development of the SPIL by the DSU and SILC and public hearing requirements. Although ARRA CIL program funds cannot be released until any necessary SPIL amendment is made, the Department will conduct a timely review of any SPIL amendments. 2009-08-31
If new centers for independent living will be established using ARRA funds, the Department will issue a notice inviting applications for a competition for discretionary grants and award new grants. Once the determination has been made about whether or not new centers should be established, existing centers may be able to receive supplemental funding to expand their provision of independent living services to individuals with significant disabilities residing in unserved or underserved geographic areas within the center's existing service area.2009-11-30

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Projects and Activities

Kinds and Scope of Program Activities
Grantees provide independent living services based on the goals of individuals with significant disabilities served by each center. ARRA funds can be used to provide the independent living services authorized under the program statute, including the core independent living services of information and referral, independent living skills training, peer counseling, and systems and individual advocacy, as well as services listed in 34 CFR 364.4.

The Department has identified the following examples of specific projects that grantees might consider to achieve the objectives of the ARRA:

(1) designing or identifying and providing services to additional individuals who wish to transition from nursing homes to their communities;

(2) creating more efficient and effective ways of increasing IL services to students with disabilities transitioning from school to employment and independent living;

(3) building long-term capacity by improving the technological core of the CIL, including, but not limited to, purchasing equipment, improving connections, and obtaining software in order to better serve consumers;

(4) training current staff in effective ways of providing assistive technology to consumers;

(5) training current staff on how to serve unserved and underserved populations, including minority groups and urban and rural populations;

(6) expanding information and referral and advocacy services to address the needs of consumers who were laid off and may need assistance obtaining services or assistive technology previously provided through an employer; and

(7) providing professional development opportunities that have both short-term and long-term benefits to CIL staff.

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Review Process

The Department is required to conduct periodic on-site reviews of CIL grantees. The Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) uses these on-site reviews and annual performance data submitted by grantees in response to the Section 704 reporting requirements to identify and correct program weaknesses. RSA will continue to use the findings from these on-site reviews to identify management and performance issues and develop training and technical assistance to address them.
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Cost and Performance Plan

Grantees under the CIL program are required to submit annual performance reports and fiscal data. Grantees will report on: the performance measures established under the Government Performance Results Act (GPRA); the statutory reporting requirements in Title VII, Chapter 1, Part C of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; and compliance with statutory standards and indicators. Performance data for grantees are available online through the RSA Management Information System ( Using the "Quick Table" link, you can select "CIL Performance Summary" and then select any grantee to compare the performance of that grantee on an indicator to the performance of similar grantees within its performance cluster.

Projects funded with ARRA funds will also provide quarterly reports as required by section 1512 of the ARRA.
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Energy Efficiency Spending Plans

Not applicable.
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Program Plan Award Types

Competitive Grant Program

Recipient Applicant Type:
  • Private Nonprofit Institution/Organization (Includes Institutions Of Higher Education, Hospitals)

Beneficiary Type:
  • Persons with Disabilities

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Source: Data provided by the Agency through the Office of Management and Budget.