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IDEA Special Education Preschool Grants Recovery Plan
Last updated: 2009-05-15

Table of Contents

Click on each of the links below to read the part of the Plan relating to each topic.


Program Purpose
The Preschool Grants program provides formula grants to States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico to provide special education and related services for children with disabilities aged 3 through 5. States may include children experiencing developmental delays and 2-year olds who will turn 3 during the school year.

Public Benefits
Early childhood education is critical to the future success of vulnerable children, including children with disabilities. Preschool programs can help children with disabilities to acquire the foundational skills associated with critical developmental milestones. Funding under the Preschool Grants program supports early childhood programs that provide services needed to prepare young children with disabilities to enter school ready to learn.
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The measures have been revised to enrich the performance metrics for Recovery targets. In some instances, targets will not be available until additional baseline data has been collected.

2009 2010 2011 2012
The percentage of children with disabilities aged three through five participating in the Preschool Grants program who demonstrate positive social-emotional skills (including social relationships); acquire and use knowledge and skills (including early language/communication and early literacy); and demonstrate appropriate behaviors to meet their needs. Frequency : Long-term/Annual
Direction : Increasing
Type : Outcome
Explanation : This is a new measure that was adopted in FY 2005. The Department developed student outcome measures and has been implementing a plan to collect data from the States through their Annual Performance Reports (APRs). All States reported data on the status of children at entry into the program in the Annual Performance Reports submitted in February 2007, February 2008, and February 2009. States also reported data on child progress in the February 2008 and February 2009 APRs. However, this data only reflected part of the eligible age range of children. In February 2010, States will report a fourth year of entry data and third year of data on child progress. This will be the first report of exiting data that includes entry and exit data for a full cohort of children aged birth through 2. These data will be used as the baseline for establishing targets for the performance measure on child progress.
Unit : Not Available
The percentage of children with disabilties (aged three through five) who receive special education and related services in a regular early childhood program at least 80% of time. Frequency : Annual
Direction : Increasing
Type : Output
Explanation : Not Available
Unit : Not Available
The number of States with at least 90 percent of preschool special education teachers fully certified in the areas in which they are teaching.Frequency : Annual
Direction : Increasing
Type : Output
Explanation : There is a clustering of States around the 90 percent threshold in this indicator, which may result in unpredictable changes from year to year.
Unit : Not Available

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Schedule and Milestones

The Department of Education shall award 50 percent of the IDEA, Preschool Grants program ARRA funds to State education agencies by April 1, 2009.

The other 50 percent of the IDEA, Preschool Grants program ARRA funds will be awarded by September 30, 2009.

The Department of Education will complete IDEA ARRA use of funds desk audits for each State that receives an award under the Part C program by January 2010 (26 States) and September 2010 (remaining 26 States)

MilestoneCompletion Date
The Department of Education shall award 50 percent of the IDEA, Part C Grants for Infants and Families program ARRA funds to lead agencies.

The other 50 percent of the IDEA, Part C Grants for Infants and Families program ARRA funds will be awarded.
The Department of Education will complete IDEA ARRA use of funds desk audits for each State that receives an award under the Part C program. 2010-01-29

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Projects and Activities

Kinds and Scope of Program Activities
Funding under Preschool Grants supplements funds provided to States under the Grants to States program, which serves children with disabilities aged 3 through 21, including all children served under the Preschool Grants program. Most of the Preschool Grant funds must be distributed by States to local educational agencies to support special education and related services for children with disabilities aged 3 through 5. Preschool Grant funds that may be reserved by the State educational agency may be used to:

(1) provide support services;

(2) provide direct services for children eligible under this program;

(3) conduct activities at the State and local level to meet the goals established by the State for the performance of children with disabilities in the State;

(4) supplement other funds used to develop and implement a statewide coordinated services system designed to improve results for children and families, including children with disabilities and their families; and

(5) provide early intervention services in accordance with Part C of IDEA to children with disabilities who are eligible for services under section 619 of IDEA and who previously received services under Part C of IDEA until such children enter, or are eligible under State law to enter, kindergarten; and

(6) continue, at a State’s discretion, service coordination or case management for families of children with disabilities who are eligible for services under section 619 of IDEA and continue to receive services under Part C of IDEA. The State also may use a portion of its set-aside funds to cover administrative expenses related to the Preschool Grants program and Grants for Infants and Families program (Part C).

The Department has identified the following examples of specific projects that grantees might consider to achieve the objectives of the ARRA:

• Obtaining state-of-the art assistive technology devices and providing training in their use to enhance access by children with disabilities to the general curriculum or other appropriate preschool program activities.

• Providing intensive district-wide professional development for special education and regular education teachers that focuses on scaling-up, through replication, proven and innovative evidence-based school-wide strategies for preliteracy, language, and numeracy skills and positive behavioral supports for students with disabilities.

• Developing or expanding the capacity to collect and use data to improve teaching and learning.

• Expanding the availability and range of inclusive placement options for preschoolers with disabilities by developing the capacity of public and private preschool programs to serve these children.

• Hiring transition coordinators to work with children exiting programs funded under IDEA, Part C, Grants for Infants and Families, to ensure a smooth transition into preschool or other appropriate services.

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Review Process

IDEA sections 616(b) and 642 requires each State to develop and implement a State Performance Plan (SPP) that must be used as a basis for evaluating the State’s efforts to implement the requirements under Part B of IDEA, and that describes how the State will improve its implementation of these requirements. Each SPP must include measurable and rigorous targets for quantifiable indicators in the priority areas described in section 66(a) (3) of IDEA. These priority areas are: providing a free appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment (LRE); reducing disproportionate representation of racial and ethnic groups in special education and related services, to the extent the representation is the result of inappropriate identification; and ensuring effective general supervision, including child find, transition, and dispute resolution.

In addition, section 616 of IDEA requires each State Educational Agency (SEA) to submit an Annual Performance Report (APR) to the Secretary on the State’s progress in meeting its SPP targets for the measures the Department established in each of the priority areas under Part B of IDEA. The preschool measures include early childhood transition, early childhood outcomes, parent involvement, and timely and accurate data. The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) issues annual letters of determination and response tables for each State under Part B of IDEA based in large part on the State’s APR data in each of these priority indicator areas. Each State is assigned to one of the following status determinations:

(1) the State meets IDEA requirements,

(2) the State needs assistance in implementing IDEA requirements,

(3) the State needs intervention in implementing IDEA requirements, or

(4) the State needs substantial intervention in implementing IDEA requirements. Under section 616(e)(1) of IDEA, the Department is required to take certain enforcement actions for those States determined to be in “needs assistance” for two or more consecutive years, in “needs intervention” for three or more consecutive years, and any time a State is determined to be in “needs substantial intervention”.

In turn, SEAs must monitor and evaluate local educational agency (LEA) implementation of Part B of the IDEA. Each year, the SEA must publicly report on the performance of each LEA on each of the measures in the SPP and issue a local “determination” using the above categories. Through such reporting, SEAs are responsible for ensuring both the continuous improvement of results and functional outcomes for children with disabilities and the timely correction of noncompliance with IDEA requirements. States must take certain enforcement action against LEAs determined to be in “needs assistance” for two or more consecutive years, “in needs intervention’ for three or more consecutive years, and any time an LEA is determined to be in “needs substantial intervention.”

In addition, the Department conducts on-site monitoring visits (verification/focused monitoring visits) to each State that receives an award under the Preschool Grants program. The State’s systems for general supervision, data collection and reporting and fiscal accountability are examined to ensure that States have the needed internal controls in place. The review of the fiscal system focuses on the following three broad questions:

(1) Does the State have procedures that are reasonably designed to ensure the timely obligation and liquidation of IDEA funds?

(2) Does the State have procedures that are reasonably designed to ensure appropriate distribution of IDEA funds within the State? and

(3) Does the State have procedures that are reasonably designed to ensure appropriate use of IDEA funds? Reports are issued following the monitoring visits and technical assistance is provided to States to assist them in implementing any corrective actions.

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Cost and Performance Plan

The Department provides performance information in the form of State monitoring reports, verification visit letters, and State performance plan and annual performance report letters at the following Web address: In addition, the Department posts grantee level data (by State), at the following Web addresses:

General information about the Preschool Grants program may be obtained from the Department website at

Information regarding the FY 2009 Government Performance and Results Act performance plan for Preschool Grants is available at

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Energy Efficiency Spending Plans

Not Applicable.
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Program Plan Award Types

Formula Grants

Recipient Applicant Type:
  • U.S. Territories And Possessions (Includes Institutions Of Higher Education, Hospitals)
  • Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Governments
  • State

Beneficiary Type:
  • Preschool

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Source: Data provided by the Agency through the Office of Management and Budget.