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Agency Summary - Department of Energy

Department of Energy

Financial Status

Weekly Progress
Source: Agency Financial and Activity Report
as of 2009-08-12

Financial and Activity Report

Report Date: 2009-08-07View History

 Financial Status:
  • Total Available: $9,120,011,778
  • Total Paid Out: $395,614,150
 Major Actions Taken to Date:
  • On August 6, Secretary Chu announced the delivery of $377 million in funding for 46 new multi-million-dollar Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRCs) located at universities, national laboratories, nonprofit organizations, and private firms across the nation; of the $377 million awarded to the EFRCs, $277 million comes from funding made available through the Recovery Act with the remaining $100 million made from DOE's FY2009 budget; see:
  • On August 5, President Obama announced 48 new advanced battery and electric drive projects that will receive $2.4 billion in funding under the Recovery Act; these projects, selected through a highly competitive process by the Department of Energy, will accelerate the development of U.S. manufacturing capacity for batteries and electric drive components as well as the deployment of electric drive vehicles, helping to establish American leadership in creating the next generation of advanced vehicles; see:
  • On August 4, Secretary Chu announced that more than $327 million in new funding from the Recovery Act will go toward scientific research, instrumentation, and laboratory infrastructure projects; ten of DOE's national laboratories in six states will be receiving funds, along with researchers at institutions of higher learning across the nation; see:
  • The Department continues to be responsive to requests for speakers by Members of Congress; this week, the Department will be spending speakers across the nation a to discuss the Department's Recovery Act implementation
  • The Department is operating a toll free call in number for businesses and constituent Recovery Act inquiries, 1-888-DOE-RCVY; questions can also be submitted through DOE's Recovery Act clearinghouse:
  • Several additional Recovery Act funded positions have been posted on
 Major Planned Actions:
  • The Department is preparing announcements in the next several weeks regarding funding opportunities for energy efficiency and loan guarantee programs; Funding Opportunity Announcements will be posted on:
  • The Department's Inspector General will release several reports in the next month on Recovery Act programs; reports will be issued on the following programs: Office of Environmental Management, Office of Science, Office of the Chief Financial Officer, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's Federal Energy Management Program, Office of Electricity Delivery, and Energy Reliability and Office of Fossil Energy
  • The Department is working with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on energy efficiency transparency and financing and with HUD and the Department Health and Human Services on risks management for formula grants

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