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DOT - Financial and Activity Report

Department of Transportation
Report Date: 2009-08-07View History

 Financial Status:
  • Total Available: $24,119,438,525
  • Total Paid Out: $1,494,338,056
 Major Actions Taken to Date:
  • Of the $200 million received for Facilities and Equipment ARRA projects, $70.1 million has been obligated to date (representing 35 percent of the funding provided for this purpose). Of this amount, $40.1 million is for En Route air traffic control facilities, $14.8 million is for navigation and landing, and $15.2 million is for power systems.
  • As of August 6, FAA has announced through the Congressional notification system a cumulative of airport grants roughly equal to the $1.1 billion Recovery Act funding.
  • Airports have now sold over $2.8 billion in revenue bonds that have benefited from the AMT provisions in the Recovery Act. This has resulted in reduced financing costs for airports, saving millions of dollars that can now be redirected toward development costs.
  • FHWA Division Offices have authorized 6,416 projects in all states and territories for a total of $17.4 billion. This represents 65% of total funds available. Federal Lands authorized 42 projects for a total of $129.1 million.
  • FHWA's National Review Teams (NRTs) conducted on-site project reviews in New York, Idaho, and Oregon. Areas of focus included Project Plan Specifications & Estimates, Contract Administration Quality Assurance, Local Public Areas and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises
  • FRA has approved $1.1 billion worth of Amtrak projects under the ARRA grant.
  • On August 3, FRA Administrator Joseph Szabo and Associate Administrator Mark Yachmetz met with New England Governors to discuss the region's high-speed rail efforts.
  • As of August 7, FTA had awarded 470 grants for a total obligation to date of $4.3 billion in ARRA funds.
  • As of August 7, FTA had received $267.3 million in surface flexible fund transfers from FHWA, included in the $4.3 billion obligated total. These funds were received from FHWA as States and local authorities have chosen to transfer federal highway ARRA funds to FTA for transit projects. To date, four states ($18.1 million) and 17 metropolitan areas ($249.2 million) have taken advantage of the flexible funding provisions.
  • On August 5, Deputy Secretary Porcari and U.S. Representative Tim Holden visited the East Penn Manufacturing Company in Lyon Station, PA where he met with workers to discuss the Obama Administration's plan to rebuild America's economy.
  • FHWA Administrator Victor Mendez participated in two ground-breaking events for ARRA projects: Final section of the Mon-Fayette Expressway in Morgantown, WV (August 3). This project is one of West Virginia's largest ARRA-funded projects at $13.5 million. I-279 Fort Duquesne Bridge in Pittsburgh, PA (August 6). The project entirely funded by ARRA received $26.2 million in ARRA funding.
 Major Planned Actions:
  • On August 12, FTA will host an ARRA State Management Workshop for State DOTs. The workshop will focus on FTA oversight and ARRA programs, State issues and concerns and common findings and suggested corrective actions.

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