Records Management

For Assistance

Dee Harron, Management Analyst  295-9390
Jhedisson Betancur, Support Services Assistant  295-9387

Records Management Summary

TITLE: AI-15, "Office of the Secretary of Defense Records Management Administrative Procedures and Records Disposition Schedules," 08/11/1994
SUMMARY: This Instruction reissues Administrative Instruction No. 15, "OSD Records Management Program, " August 11, 19941 (hereby canceled) to update procedures for the maintenance and disposition of office of the Secretary of Defense records and implements reference DoD Directive 5110.4, "Washington Headquarters Services (WHS)," October 19, 2001, which assigns responsibility to the Director, Washington Headquarters Services, for the records management program under references DoD Directive 5015.2, "DoD Records Management Program, " March 6, 2000, Chapters 29, 31, and 33 of title 44, United States Code.
Part I:
Part II:

Records Inspection

The Records Management Section within the Uniformed Services of the Health Sciences is responsible for yearly inspections of records for all departments. All files and file systems are judged for their AI-15 compliance. Hardcopies of the AI-15 are kept and may be attained at the Administrative Support Division. If assistance is requested for proper Records Management at your Office or division please contact Dee Harron.

USU Instructions

Instructions (by Number)

Contact Information

Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
4301 Jones Bridge Road
Bethesda, Maryland 20814-4799
Room G056
