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Gas Prices

While you’re paying more and more money to fill up the gas tank, it may seem we’re playing the “blame game,” in Washington.  But, the truth is the rising price of gas is not a Republican issue it’s not a Democrat issue, it is an American issue because it’s affecting every single family across the country regardless of their political ideology.  The thing is, in the House the Democrats are in the Majority and they control the bills that are brought to the Floor for a vote.  As gas prices are causing rising prices at the grocery store and around every corner, the time for leadership is now.
I have voted in favor of increased gas mileage standards, I have voted for suspending deposits to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, I have voted for alternative energy incentives, I have voted to give the U.S. the ability to investigate OPEC nations for alleged price fixing, and I have voted for the federal gas tax holiday.  See a record of my votes on energy by clicking here.  But it will take more.  We have a production deficit in this country.  The bottom line is among many approaches like those above, we also need to increase the production of energy to see a real dollars and cents difference in gas prices.  

We’ll all have to give a little – gas producers and conservationists, Republicans and Democrats – to get to a real solution.  But I am committed to increasing energy production, whether that is the production of biofuels or gasoline, I know the status quo is unacceptable.  Explore this section of my website to see our latest efforts to decrease the cost of gas and learn about how we can increase the nation’s energy supply.

Ohio Gas Prices
View and compare gas prices in your neighborhood.

Breaking Down The Cost
Learn the price breakdown of a gallon of gas and see where your money actually goes when you fill up.

Compare Fuel Economy
Compare the fuel economy of your car and cars you are interested in purchasing.

Gas Mileage Tips
Learn how to get better gas mileage by adjusting the way you drive.

Alternative Energy
A description of different forms of alternative energy sources.

Where We Get Our Oil
A list of the nations that export their oil to the United States