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Tiberi: This Bill Is Opposite of What Americans Need or Want

Washington, Jun 26 -

U.S. Congressman Pat Tiberi (R-OH) today again spoke out against Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Cap and Trade bill that would create a national energy tax and force every American to pay higher prices for goods and services.


“Not only would this bill tax nearly every person who has the audacity to turn on a light switch and force the cost of American-made products and services to increase, this measure is simply a job-killer.  It’s exactly the opposite of what Ohioans need.  It’s the opposite of what Americans need, during these very trying times,” said Congressman Tiberi, a member of the House American Energy Solutions Group.  “Rather than focus on turning the economy around and creating jobs for the millions of people who are out of work, Speaker Pelosi’s priority seems to be increasing taxes; it’s just not right.  I will vote against this job-killing measure.”


Experts and researchers have debunked Speaker Pelosi’s claims that this bill creates jobs.  Here are a handful of reasons why this bill is a jobs-killer:


  • The National Energy Tax will destroy between 2.3 and 2.7 million jobs per year according to an analysis commissioned by the National Black Chamber of Commerce, and that’s the net job loss after accounting for any “green” jobs this legislation might create.
  • The Speaker’s bill pits “green” jobs against the jobs American workers already have.  Analysis by the Juan Carlos University in Spain found that Spain’s cap and trade policies, upon which many of the provisions of this legislation are modeled, cost the economy two jobs for every one “green” job created.
  • Even the renewable energy industry recognizes that this legislation is a job killer – according to Don Furman, President of the American Wind Energy Association “The current legislation does not create jobs” (Washington Post, June 15, 2009).
  • The EPA’s analysis of the legislation makes clear that U.S. manufacturing jobs will be forced overseas as costs on American manufacturers rise.  These jobs could go to places like China and India who don’t have the same environmental restrictions this bill would create in the United States.


Read about the Republicans All of the Above Energy Solution, the American Energy Act, by clicking here.


Courtesy of House Ways and Means Committee Republicans


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