News & Articles

Executive Summary page displays our major Class A and Fatality metrics and is updated daily.

The Holiday Fatality page has been updated with mishaps from the 4th of July weeked 2009.

Dr. G's 'How Goes It' has been updated with the latest numbers and trends for the 20 Jul 09.

Navy-Wide Rate and Rating Study of PMV and Off-Duty Mishaps - How many accidents do people in your rate have?

Hot Items

FY 08 WESS Reconciliation Database Search

Aviation Daily Summary - A daily look at aviation mishap rates. NAVOSH Report Card - A spreadsheet showing the number of mishaps for various categories.  

Current Mishap Definitions and Reporting Criteria - What makes a Class A a Class A.

Critical Days of Summer- Summaries from 2009 and previous years - Find out how this deadly time of year went for 2003 through 2008.

DoD Personnel Safety Metrics (Lost Workday Rates)


Flight Experience and Aircrew Factor Mishap Rates Presentation - The relationship between a pilots' flight experience and aircrew factor mishap rates.

Last Modified: Friday, August 07, 2009