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Small-angle neutron scattering has provided dramatic evidence to support a Nobel laureate's predictions about the behavior of polymer chains.


Polymers can be formed the pollution-free way by suspending small molecules in supercritical carbon dioxide
Polymers can be formed the pollution-free way by suspending small molecules (red) in supercritical carbon dioxide (blue) using detergent-like molecules called surfactants (green) that cluster into micelles (top) when pressure is changed to increase CO2 density.

In the 1940s industrial chemists started synthesizing giant molecules called polymers to make strong, light materials called plastics. In the past 50 years, they have had a string of successes:

  • Tougher, lighter materials used in cars and airplanes (e.g., the Boeing 757 jet)
  • Bulletproof vests to protect police officers
  • Synthetic threads for textiles
  • The familiar bags of airline peanuts that can be torn open only at the precut notch

The annual U.S. consumption of polymers exceeds 70 billion pounds, so these materials are the subject of intense scientific and commercial interest.

A polymer is formed of long, chainlike molecules that can be precisely oriented for great strength. The chains are made by bonding together many (poly) smaller molecules (monomers), which consist of atoms such as hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, and fluorine. Neutrons have unique properties for studying polymers, such as the ability to "stain" molecules and make them "visible" via isotopic labeling. During the past two decades, this technique has provided fundamental insights into the structure of molecules. For example, small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) has provided dramatic evidence to support Nobel Laureate Paul Flory's 50-year old prediction that polymer chains adopt random configurations in the solid state.

Neutron scattering will help determine the best polymer blends to make high-quality plastic products
Neutron scattering will help scientists determine the best polymer blends to make high-quality plastic products.

When the chemical industry produces fluoropolymers to make pots and pans (Teflon®) and to protect carpets against staining (Scotchgard®), an undesirable by-product is environmental pollution. Research to develop cleaner ways to make plastics is under way to develop environmentally friendly processes that don't use ozone-destroying chlorofluorocarbons and that could significantly reduce the amount of contaminated water and toxic waste generated. These processes make use of supercritical carbon dioxide (CO2), which is already used as a nontoxic solvent (e.g., to decaffeinate coffee beans) and is readily available as a "waste gas" that can be recycled with no net CO2 addition to the atmosphere. But, because many polymers don't dissolve in CO2, ORNL and UNC have used SANS to determine what makes some polymers soluble and how to develop emulsifying agents (detergents) that can suspend CO2-insoluble materials in solution in much the same way that soap helps oil dissolve in water. SANS has provided detailed insight into how solvent pressure may be "tuned" to dissolve CO2-insoluble materials or cause them to drop out of solution at the appropriate point in the process, thus controlling solubility in unique polymerization, extraction, and cleaning applications.

Much of the Boeing 757 airplane is made of lightweight plastic
Much of the Boeing 757 airplane is made of lightweight plastic. Neutron studies may lead to safer, faster, more energy-efficient aircraft.

Because of difficulties in commercializing new polymers, industry has turned increasingly to combining (blending) existing polymers to optimize the mixture's end-use properties. Such materials account for approximately one quarter of the polymer market; this segment is growing at twice the rate of industrial plastics as a whole. SANS is the premier technique for investigating such blends. Using SNS, such experiments can be performed in seconds, not minutes or hours. In this way, researchers can quickly determine how well polymers will mix, how long they should be ground and compressed, at which temperature they should be melted together to get the best mixing, and which mixtures will form the best products. For example, if interest in recycling plastics picks up, SNS can help scientists understand which polymers can be melted down and mixed to form useful polymer blends. Currently, less than 10% of polymers are recycled, so determining the degree of compatibility of different components can help in designing strategies for reprocessing and in evaluating the usefulness of the resulting material.


bullet  Areas of Study:
Complex Fluids
Crystalline Materials
Disordered Materials
Magnetism and Superconductivity
Structural Biology


  Information Contact : neutronscience@ornl.gov  

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Office of Science