Global Climate Change

Climate Change Research at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Sources, Mitigation, and Costs
International Energy Studies Group
Energy End-Use Forecasting
Greenhouse Gas Options for Developing Countries Under Study
Regional Climate & Flood Modeling
Water Resources
Impacts on the Insurance Industry
Carbon Storage


Best Global Warming Articles
Global Warming Articles provides facts about the causes, effects and answers to global warming; the environment; energy conservation, climate change and more.
EPA's Global Warming Web Site
The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency recently constructed this web site dedicated to providing information on global warming to the general public concerning all aspects of global warming and the actions which could be taken to help minimize its risks.
As emissions requirements, climate change, financial markets, and risk management become increasingly interconnected, organizations are left with critical choices regarding greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions management. EcolyticsTM, a comprehensive web-based software tool, can help organizations in the navigation of this complex area by providing an effective cataloging, strategic planning, economic analysis, and risk management solution.
Funded by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program, Enviro$en$e allows those implementing pollution prevention programs or developing research and development projects to benefit from the experience, progress and knowledge of their peers. Enviro$en$e includes a pollution prevention forum for all levels of government, researchers, industry and public interest groups.
Global Change Magazine
Global Change seeks to familiarize the public with the issues associated with climate change and ozone depletion. Since July 1996, the magazine has been published by the Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment, and Security (Oakland, California). The publication originally was launched in July 1995 by the University of Maryland's Center for Global Change.
Government of Canada's Global Climate Change Site
The Government of Canada's web site on global climate change has been developed to inform Canadians about climate change and how it affects our environment. The site explains what the Government of Canada is doing to address the problems of climate change and how all Canadians—individuals, communities, businesses, industries, and every level of government—can take action to help protect our environment.
International Utility Efficiency Partnerships (IUEP)
The goal of the International Utility Efficiency Partnerships program is to reduce emissions by identifying, coordinating, and providing funding for development of international environmentally-friendly energy development projects. The IUEP's objectives and goals will be met through two important mechanisms: (1) the sponsorship of projects that prove real potential to reduce emissions in the atmosphere, thereby facilitating the creation of actual 'tons of reductions on the table', and (2) the development of strong partnerships between the developing world and U.S. manufacturers, developers, and electricity providers.
NASA's Global Change Master Directory (GCMD)
Located at the Global Change Data Center (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, U.S.A.), the Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) is a comprehensive source of information about Earth science, environmental, biosphere, climate and global change data holdings, available to the scientific community throughout the world. The GCMD is the American Coordinating Node of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites International Directory Network (CEOSIDN) and is a component of the Global Change Data and Information System (GCDIS).
NOAA Data on Extreme Weather Events
One Degree Less
A portal developed by the Green Building Council of Brazil in response to global warming. The One Degree Less campaign aims to help reduce the local temperature and the consumption of energy by using cool roofs.
Online Trends: A Compendium of Data on Global Change
Scenarios for a Clean Energy Future
Prepared by the Interlaboratory Working Group on Energy Efficient and Low-Carbon Technologies, for the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy. (Available for download in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.) This report presents the results of a study conducted by five U.S. Department of Energy national laboratories that quantifies the potential for energy-efficient and low-carbon technologies to reduce carbon emissions in the United States. The study documents in detail how four key sectors of the economy—buildings, transportation, industry, and electric utilities—could respond to directed programs and policies to expand adoption of energy-efficiency and low-carbon technologies, an increase in the relative price of carbon-based fuels by $25 or $50/tonne (e.g., as a result of a cap on domestic carbon emissions and a market for carbon "permits"), and an aggressive program of targeted research and development.
U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
The site provides those interested in the UNFCCC process with a one-stop source for news, data, information, and documents. Information is organized under seven main headings: What's New, The Secretariat, Programmes, Resources, Sessions, News Room, and Site Information. Visitors to the site are able to access information about forthcoming events; press releases; key information resources developed and maintained by the secretariat; the "country information file," which provides essential information on the status of each Party's participation in the Convention; a database with search capabilities that permits specialized searches of data by country, gas, and time period; and much more.
U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP)
The U.S. National Assessment of the Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change for the Nation will provide a detailed understanding of the consequences of climate change for the nation and will examine the possible coping mechanisms that exist to adapt to climate change. This assessment will include regional activities, sectoral activities, and a broad synthesis. It will be conducted as a public-private partnership and will emphasize a process driven by the needs of the stake-holders throughout the country who are best positioned to identify the priority information needs, and the most rewarding ways of responding.
World Business Council for Sustainable Development
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) is a coalition of more than 120 international companies which share a commitment to the environment and to the principles of economic growth and sustainable development.
World Wildlife Fund Global Climate Change Campaign
The goals of WWF's campaign are: 1) Reduction of CO2 emissions by at least 20% compared to 1990 levels from developed countries by the year 2005; 2) Promotion and widespread utilization of energy-efficient technologies in China, India and eastern Europe; and 3) Identification of the species and ecosystems most vulnerable to climate change and development of strategies for their conservation.

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