Environmental Energy Technologies Division

View of earth from space.

Our Vision

Sustainable economic and environmental development is essential for a thriving and just world. Major changes in energy systems are needed to achieve such a world.

Of these changes, energy efficiency has a special role.

  • Countless energy-efficiency opportunities are cost effective (i.e., pay for themselves). Net economic impacts are huge.
  • e.g., U.S. economy grew 35% between 1973 and 1986, energy grew 0%, and the annual saving is more than $200 billion/yr.
  • Environmental benefits of energy efficiency are very large, considering that about 70% of pollutants are from energy production.

We believe that our R&D and analysis can contribute to increases in energy efficiency and associated improvements in the environment beyond our limited resources by

  • Developing improved energy technologies,
  • Performing energy analyses that influence policies in industrialized and developing countries,
  • Developing innovative techniques to improve the environment (especially related to energy use).

EETD Division Director's Testimony to the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources [PDF]

Impact of EETD Technologies