About Us

The InterAgency Board Structure

Starting in 2008, the IAB began the process to reorganize. Specifically, the IAB convened a strategic planning group to review its current mission, strengths and areas of improvement, and goals for the upcoming years. To achieve the new mission and values set forth by this group, the IAB made some structural changes.

The IAB is now organized into one Committee and seven SubGroups that are chaired by a First Responder, supported by a Federal Co-Chair, and staffed with subject matter experts in that SubGroup's area of interest. Each SubGroup is responsible for maintaining its subsection of the Standardized Equipment List (SEL). The Federal Agency Coordinating Committee (FACC) is the exception as it is chaired with a Federal Chair and composed of supporting federal government representatives.

The new organizational structure and detailed SubGroup descriptions will be updated this month. Please re-visit the website to see the changes.

The InterAgency Board Leadership Team

The IAB Chairperson is selected from the ranks of the local and state membership. The current IAB Chair is Alan Vickery, Seattle (WA) Fire Department.

The current Deputy Chairs are Jay Hagen , Seattle (WA) Fire Department/Department of Homeland Security, Office of Grants and Training, Senior Fellow/Practitioner and David McBath , New York State Police.

IAB Committee

Federal Agency Coordinating Committee (FACC)
The FACC is a coordination committee that provides the interface between the IAB and sponsoring federal government agencies.

IAB SubGroups

Standards Coordination (SC) SubGroup

Science and Technology (S&T) SubGroup

Equipment (ESG) SubGroup

Best Practices (BP) SubGroup

Information Management and Communications (IM&C) SubGroup

Training and Exercises (T&E) SubGroup

Health, Medical & Responder Safety (HM&RS) SubGroup