Connecting afterschool providers to Federal resources that support children and youth during out-of-school hours.

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Interagency Executive Oversight Committee

This Website is Sponsered by HHS

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services'
Administration for Children and Families

This          Website is Sponsered by the Child Care Bureau.Child Care Bureau

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Non U.S. Government website indication icon. Links marked with this globe icon denote federally sponsored information on non-government web sites.

Finding Volunteers

Volunteers can help strengthen your afterschool program by providing tutoring, mentoring, or counseling help to the kids participating in your program. There are many federal resources available to assist you in finding the volunteers you need, along with providing you other important information such as how to manage volunteers within the law.


AmeriCorps involves Americans in intensive, results-driven service each year. They teach children to read, make neighborhoods safer, build affordable homes, and respond to natural disasters through more than 1000 projects. Register your program with Americorps today and learn about the benefits Americorps volunteers could add to your afterschool program.

Managing Volunteers Within the Law

Failure to respect the rights of volunteers is both bad management and grounds for a lawsuit. To help you comply with laws related to the management of volunteers, this Community Service Brief provides guidance about the most common legal issues that arise in the management of volunteers.

National & Community Service Resource CenterThis is a link to a non-governmental website. is not responsible for its content.

The Corporation for National & Community Service provides national service programs, coordinators, and others starting points to develop procedures and programs related to volunteer and community service.

Seniorcorps - Foster Grandparent Program

Foster Grandparents serve as mentors, tutors, and caregivers for at-risk children and youth with special needs through a variety of community organizations, including schools, Head Start and day-care centers. Search by your state to find more information.

Seniorcorps - Retired and Senior Volunteer Program

Among other activities, Retired and Senior Volunteers mentor at-risk youth, teach English to immigrants, and lend their business skills to community groups that provide critical social services. Search by your state to find more information.

USA Freedom Corps

The materials on this site include resources to help advance community involvement and volunteer engagement in programs across America.

Last Modified $Date: 2009/07/08 14:49:27 $