California Business Portal

Grow Your Business Here

Meeting Workforce Needs

Recruitment and Training

One-Stop Career Centers
California's One-Stop Career Centers help businesses with recruiting employees, from help with drafting duty statements and job announcements to screening applicants. They can also connect businesses with training resources for employees. Since the centers also help job seekers with job training and placement services, they are an effective connection between businesses and the local workforce.

Americas Service Locator

Employment Training Panel
Assists eligible California employers to solidify their competitive edge by providing funds to off-set the cost of job skills training necessary to become a high-performance workplace.

Employment Training Panel

Job Recruitment and Referral Services
Link to job banks to post job announcements and review resumes, including "CalJOBS," California's job bank, and America's Job Bank. The One-Stop Career Centers also provide links to federal, state and local job bank services.

CalJOBS        Americas JobBank

Workforce Community
Obtain information about employment of disabled persons, veterans services, welfare-to-work and other work training programs and services.

More Information on the Workforce Investment Act
Learn more about the federal Workforce Investment Act (WIA), which funds a number of employment and training programs in California, including programs and services provided by the One-Stop Career Centers.

Profile of California's Workforce

Connect to the Department of Finance's Demographic Research Unit to find research papers and statistics about California's population.

Labor Market Information
California's Labor Market Information offers an abundance of information to support business decisions: View Local Area Profiles with up-to-date employment and occupation information and compare those data between areas. Scan current news in the California Regional Bulletin. Use dynamic tools to create custom data tables by occupations or industries. Find the range of occupational wages paid by employers in local areas. Track occupational and industry growth trends for the state and regions. Get detailed industry employment and payroll data by county.