Freight Professional Development Program
photos of truck, cargo ship, airplane, and freight train
Office of Operations - 21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Current News

  • Talking Freight Seminar, August 19, 2009 - Event: Highway Networks and their Relationship to Freight - The role of the federal government in our nation's highway system has evolved over the decades. At various points in time Congress has authorized the federal government to create programs for a number of national highway systems. Hear the genesis of and rational for the National Network, the National Highway System, the Interstate System, and LCV locations.
  • Freight Story 2008 - An updated overview of challenges facing the freight transportation system and responses to those challenges by freight stakeholders, is now available on the web and as a print publication from FHWA's Office of Freight Management and Operations. The report provides an national summary of freight movement and where concentrations of freight volumes place pressures on the on the U.S. transportation system. Economic costs to carriers, shippers, and the overall economy are examined, and efforts by the public and private sectors to improve freight transportation and mitigate the safety and environmental effects of freight movement are highlighted. (Publication Number: FHWA-HOP-08-051)
  • Podcasts Now Available for Talking Freight Seminars - FHWA is now making podcasts available for the monthly Talking Freight seminars. MP3 audio files will be available for the seminars within two weeks following each seminar. This is meant to allow freight practitioners to listen to the seminars whenever and wherever you choose - on your way to and from work, at the gym, etc. The podcast of the May 21 seminar, as well as more information about the seminar series, is available through the link below (select the link under the Past Seminars section of the page to get to the podcast files).
  • More Freight Related News

Key Program Elements

Training consisting of the following: Courses, Workshops, Seminars, and Conferences
Technical Assistance consisting of the following: Freight Coordinator Position Description, Talking Freight, Freight Planning LISTSERVE, Freight Peer-to-Peer, Data and Analytical Tools, and Vehicle Size and Weight
Resource Library consisting of the following: Reports, Noteworthy Practices, Presentations, and Videos
Education consisting of the following: Academic Programs and Transportation Centers of Excellence

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Office of Operations