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The Task Force

Contact Information

The Task ForceFrog

The scientific community responded to concerns about recent, large-scale amphibian declines by forming the IUCN/SSC Task Force on Declining Amphibian Populations. The Task Force represents the global response to any unexplained and disturbing amphibian declines. By housing the Task Force within IUCN-The World Conservation Union Species Survival Commission, operations have been directly linked to the greater conservation community, ensuring that the broader conservation implications of the amphibian declines will be given appropriate attention.

Dr. George Zug training volunteersA network of volunteer members organized in 108 Regional and Issue-based Working Groups from 90 countries comprises the Task Force. The Task Force is working to obtain answers to two questions. Where have declines occurred and are they still happening? Why have declines occurred and is the effect local, regional or global?

The Chair of the Task Force, W. Ronald Heyer, has general oversight responsibilities for the Task Force and works out of the Biodiversity Programs Office (NMNH) of the Smithsonian Institution to fulfill those responsibilities. The Task Force Office is housed at the Open University, Milton Keynes, UK, with Tim Halliday serving as International Director and John Wilkinson as International Coordinator.

Contact Information

For further information contact:

W. Ronald Heyer
Chair, Declining Amphibian Populations Task Force
NHB mail stop 180
Washington, D.C. 20560 U.S.A.

Phone: (202) 357-2670
FAX: (202) 786-2934
E-mail: mnhvz055@sivm.si.edu

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