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Illinois Department of Central Management Services

Application Procedures


Current Job Postings | Class Specifications Search | Job Interest Cards by Title | Job Interest Cards by Category | Open Competitive Application Procedures | Promotional Opportunities | Test Information Guides

The State of Illinois web-based electronic hiring system offers many features to assist individuals:

  • Who are interested in knowing what vacancies are currently open within agencies under the jurisdiction of the Governor;
  • Who may be interested in obtaining grades and/or establishing that they are qualified for certain titles; or
  • Who may want to use the system to identify titles/positions that match their interests and/or qualifications should vacancies in those titles exist or occur in the future.

This electronic hiring system provides various links depending on individual employment interests and preferences. The information below is designed to provide specifics regarding the capabilities of this system and navigation procedures.

Login - Applicants who have already submitted online applications to CMS, Division of Examining and Counseling may Login to check the grading status.

NOTE: Applicants logging in to the online employment system using a public access computer (kiosk, library, unemployment office, etc.) must properly LOGOUT. Failure to do so may compromise the security of an applicant’s personal information.

Current Vacancies

Current Job Postings/Open Vacancies refers to specific postings for actual vacancies and includes information on how to apply directly to the hiring agency, if required, and links to applicable grading procedures.

Title Search Capabilities and Job Interest Cards/E-mail Notification Procedures

Class Specifications Search - A full text of class specifications is available for each title under the jurisdiction of the Illinois Personnel Code. The class specifications identify duties and levels of responsibility that are generally associated with positions in each classification as well as the general educational and experience requirements of the classification. Individual job descriptions are written based upon these class specifications and provide a more detailed description of the duties associated with each position. Language regarding individual job descriptions may be obtained from the agency job postings. See Current Job Postings/Open Vacancies

The class specification search allows individuals to search for titles that may be of interest to them; however these titles may or may not be open vacancies at this time. Interested applicants may then utilize the Open Competitive and/or Promotional links for grading procedures. The Current Job Postings/Open Vacancies link will identify if a position is currently vacant.

Job Interest Cards - The hiring system has search capabilities by title or occupational category through usage of a Job Interest Card. Submission of a Job Interest Card will prompt an e-mail notification to the interested individual whenever a posted vacancy meets the criteria that has been selected. Basic candidate profile information is required for this feature and may be obtained at this site as well. Searches can be conducted by Title or by Category.

Exam Only Postings

Exam only postings are utilized solely for the purpose of obtaining an open competitive grade from Central Management Services, Division of Examining and Counseling, for positions under the jurisdiction of the Illinois Personnel Code. These postings do not represent actual vacancies nor does submitting an application through these postings indicate 'bidding' under a collective bargaining agreement.

Note: There are several titles/positions for which a CMS grade is not required such as the Prevailing Wage (Trades) positions, positions requiring specific licensures, positions partially exempt from the Personnel Code (4d positions), Agency Select titles, etc. For a complete listing of classifications covered under the Personnel Code and to express an interest in one or more of these classifications should a vacancy occur, please refer to the section on Title Search Capabilities and Job Interest Cards which immediately precedes this section.

Application and Examination Procedures

Open Competitive Application Procedures by Title allows interested applicants to view application procedures, examination procedures, class specifications and exam announcements for titles under the jurisdiction of the Illinois Personnel Code that require a grade to be obtained by CMS. Test Information Guides are also available for titles that require a multiple choice test.

While on-line applications are only being accepted for open competitive grading at this time, this link also discusses how applicants may obtain promotional grades and/or otherwise be deemed qualified for positions under the jurisdiction of the Illinois Personnel Code. There is also limited information about applying for positions which are not covered by the Illinois Personnel Code yet may be posted by the agencies.

Note: Open competitive grades are valid for a period of one (1) year. If you are satisfied with the grade you have received for this title and option, do not resubmit the application in response to a job posting! Resubmissions of applications for a title and option may result in your grade being nullified. You have been placed on an open competitive eligible list for this job title and option and will be considered if an agency requisitions the open competitive list for the work location you have indicated. If you wish to change the work location (county/city/region) that you originally indicated on your application, you may do so by submitting a Change of Information Request Form - CMS 263 [PDF, 28KB] to:

    Examining & Counseling Division
    401 S. Spring Street
    500 Stratton Office Building
    Springfield, IL 62706
    Fax: (217) 524-8740

Promotional Opportunities (Including Upward Mobility Program) - Current state employees may be eligible for promotional grades. This link goes directly to a webpage dedicated to answering Frequently Asked Questions on promotional eligibility and grading procedures.