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Lyme Disease


The Lyme Disease Fact Sheet (2 pages) provides information about Lyme Disease and ticks including disease symptoms, vaccination and treatment and tick bites, tick removal and disinfection.  Other information including how to prevent infection and exposure.


Lyme Disease & Tick Bites

Ticks can transmit Babesiosis, Ehrlichiosis, Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.  Symptoms vary by disease, including fever, chills, and fatigue. 


The New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets and Food offers free tick identification to New Hampshire residents.  The intent is to monitor the distribution of tick species in NH.  Complete the Tick Submission Form (2 pages) and mail the tick and form as described.  Ticks submitted will not be tested for disease-causing pathogens.


Avoiding Tick Bites  


Is It A Tick Bite?  

  • Spider Bite – Several fluid-filled bumps appear at the site of the bite.  
  • Tick Bite – The bite is hard, itchy, and forms into lumps. A red, rash-like halo surrounds the bite and then slowly spreads outwards.  


Removing An Attached Tick  

  1. Remove the tick promptly. The sooner you remove it, the less chance of infection.  
  2. Use tweezers to grasp the tick's mouthparts at the surface of the skin.
  3.  With a steady motion, gently pull the tick straight out.  
  4.  Wipe the bite area with an antiseptic, or wash with soap and water.
  5. Be alert for symptoms of illness over the next 7-10 days.  


  • DO NOT squeeze the tick.
  • DO NOT rub petroleum jelly on the tick.
  • DO NOT use a hot match or cigarette.
  • DO NOT pour kerosene or nail polish on


Lyme Disease Bulletins

The Lyme Disease Bulletins discuss the incidence of Lyme disease in New Hampshire, risk factors, symptoms of the disease, and prevention methods to avoid being bitten by ticks that carry Lyme disease.



Lyme Disease Reports by County 

Lists all reported cases of Lyme Disease by county in NH.


Lyme Disease Maps

Shows the prevalance of Lyme Disease in NH.


Additional Resources

Centers for Disease Control - Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease - Tick Fact Card

For Health Care Providers




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