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Keep North Dakota Clean

Keep North Dakota Clean, Inc.

What is Keep North Dakota Clean, Inc?

KNDC, Inc. was formed to ensure a continuous statewide program of education for beautification of the state and the proper disposal of litter. KNDC is also a “clearinghouse” for ideas, techniques, and materials to help other groups and communities.

How Can You Help "Keep North Dakota Clean?"

KNDC believes education is the key to any successful program. When people are informed, they are more apt to think before they throw. And to be truly effective, the education process needs to begin early. That is why KNDC holds an annual statewide poster contest. The contest includes grades one though eight and special needs students.
Let’s face the facts–we can’t keep North Dakota clean on promises. It requires the hard work of people who care about the economy and beauty of their community–people like YOU!
KNDC board members will be happy to help you and your community initiate and participate in beautification and litter reduction programs.

KNDC is a tax exempt, non-profit organization.


Send your donations to:

Keep North Dakota Clean
Box 1138
Bismarck, ND 58502